neo __ aha, here he is, at last. neo, the one himself. right?
孟菲斯 __ and the legendary morpheus.
崔妮迪 __ and trinity, of course, she barely came here so free.
关于neo的话我实在看不懂,为什么要说the one himself?还问了一个right?不要忘了,这个法国人是matrix里真正的百事通,所以他根本不会有真正的问题.他对孟菲斯是绝对的一笔带过,当讲到崔妮迪时,他表达了两个意思:
you love her. she loves you. it s so over you both. a long time ago, i knew what
that felt like. i want to remember it, i want to sample it. that s all, just a
插播一段片子之外的事情,这个演法国人老婆的演员monica bellucci在一次采访中谈到了自己扮演的这个角色,说:“(she s) dangerous, sensual, with some sense of humor,“ ,“i have another way to be dangerous ... but you ll see in the movie.“
++片子一开始,当密探smith停他的audi车时, 他的车牌是“is 5416“. 圣经里isaiah 54:16的话是“see, it is i who created the blacksmith who fans the coals into flame and forges a weapon fit its work. and it is i who have created the destroyer to work havoc.“
++keymaker,孟菲斯,崔妮迪三人在车上被追杀的时候,他们开的车的车牌是da203,圣经里da 2:3的句子是“i have had a dream that troubles me and i want to know what it means.“,而这里说这个话的人是个国王,名字是nebuchadnezzar,就是他们飞船的名字.....导演太猛了.
从写下这篇文章的标题到现在,已经过去3天了,我觉得自己就象深陷在matrix中的人类一样不能自拔,总感觉还有很多很多东西想说出来给大家分享,我对3个月后上映的第三部matrix revolution是如此的期待, reload的结尾是一行字,不是to be continued....(待续......),而是to be concluded....(待结论...).