This Gundam almost copies the original Gundam story. The hero Arno Seabrook a civilian becomes the Gundam pilot to stop the enemy, only he didn't steal the Gundam this time he was drafted to pilot it more or less. This story takes place 30 years after the events in Gundam Char's Counter Attack, so no Charux Zabine is not Char Aznable's son even if the resemblance might be there.
The Villain is a Masked(Darth Vader type baddie)mad man with plans of his own empire Cosmo Babylon, Korozo Ronah aka. Iron Mask. He is also the father of the lead female Cecily Fairchild.
It has some impressive battle scenes climaxing with Arno in the Gundam verses Iron Mask in his giant mobile armor (about 4 times the size of the Gundam)the Rafflesia?
As far as preferences I place this Gundam as my 4th favorite after Stardust Memory, the 8th MS Team, and Char's Counter Attack.作者: xxcaptain 时间: 2004-2-11 22:32:14