In the magical town of Chimesville, a place dedicated to making beautiful hand crafted toys, Marco, a charismatic Latin boy, has just been adopted by the Prescotts. He believes to have found the American dream within this powerful and wealthy family, but his jealous siblings take every opportunity to ensure that he won’t take a piece of their fortune.
This doesn’t stop Marco from building a reputation in his new father’s business, and falling in love with the one woman his step-brother has always wanted. But when the father announces that he will be retiring and putting Marco in charge of the family business, jealousy turns to murder, and the American Dream turns into a nightmare. Marco is framed for his father’s death and sent to prison, losing everything he’s worked so hard for.
Now, 11 years later, Marco is released and returns home. But he is no longer that bright eyed boy building castles in the sky. This time he is more determined than ever, and in a game where the stakes are life and death and nothing is what it seems, he will do whatever it takes to get back everything he has lost, including the woman he still loves.作者: jy8680 时间: 2004-3-31 12:25:43