Summary: A must-see movie for Mario Lanza fans, showcases his great smile and beautiful singing.
When "That Midnight Kiss" was filmed, star Kathryn Grayson, a coloratura soprano, was already a veteran with 11 movies on her resume'. Even though they are about the same age, this was Mario Lanza's first featured role, and he performed it well. The musical production numbers are good-looking and great-sounding, with perhaps the two premiere singers of that era, the late 40s.
Born Alfredo Cocozza, with an adopted stage name of Mario Lanza, in this movie he plays Johnny Donnetti, an ex-GI born in Philadelphia and with perhaps the greatest tenor voice of all time. It is almost a Mario Lanza biography. In this movie he is "discovered", ends up replacing a temperamental Italian tenor in the operatic production, falls in love with Grayson's character, and the movie ends with their very first kiss.
I rated this movie 7 of 10. It is a nice little piece of fluff, nothing new or particularly interesting in the story. Typical MGM fare for that era. But if you love music and great singing, and want a chance to see and hear Mario Lanza, the whole hour and a half is totally enjoyable.