这个奇迹起始于上世纪七十年代末,“王子”用当时并不显眼的funky pop开始了他的音乐生涯,这也是他在头两张专辑中的努力收效不大的原因之一。但随后的《Dirty Mind》和《Controversy》,揭开了一连串杰作诞生的序幕。充满才气的《1999》使他成为一个明星,而1984年的《Purple Rain》则让“王子”跻身超级巨星的行列,这张专辑连续二十四个星期占据冠军位置,在美国的销量超过了一千万张。但他没有继续这个成功的方向,在一个奇异的转弯之后,《Sign O' the Times》于1987年推出——一张划时代的杰作。
这是他音乐道路的开始,其后的迂回与繁复简直可以用戏剧性来形容。而事实上他本身就是一出戏剧。《Purple Rain》是一张电影原声,而这是一部属于他自己的电影——他的住处,他的生活,他的音乐。在这部电影里面我们可以看到他那支不分种族不分性别的乐队:The Revolution(日后被The New Power Generation所代替)。
理解“王子”,不只是理解他大胆的作风、行事的怪诞和他离经叛道的形象,还要懂得欣赏他广博的音乐妄想,了解他心甘情愿成为其无穷灵感的仆从。“在我周围,没有人能比我保持更长时间的清醒,”他在一次采访中这样说道,“音乐让我清醒。”他拥有无比的工作热情,甚至试图一天录音24小时;他是个完美主义者,只奉献出真正让他满意的作品;他是一个绝对我行我素的音乐家——既可以悲天悯人地唱出《when doves cry》,也可以将很多人眼中的色情小调《do me baby》演绎得纯情无比。或许可以粗略地概括一下:多种器乐的天才,恶魔般的漂亮长相,出奇的高超舞蹈技术以及令人畏惧的制作革新——他可能是摇滚史上最不可思议的疯子。
在1987年的《Sign O' the Times》之后,“王子”经历了全裸造型的封面,《蝙蝠侠》的原声以及《Purple Rain》的结局,直到1991年才用《Diamonds and Pearls,Prince》再次断言他仍主宰着同时代的R&B。而在1983年到1991年这段时间里,他酷似女孩子一样阴柔的嗓音几乎占据了无论是流行、摇滚或是朋克乐的各大排行榜的主导地位,多种风格音乐的结合他早已驾轻就熟,就连Lo-fi歌手Beck都要因为他的到来而腾出地方来让他上榜。他的创作持续地影响了R&B界的每一个人,无论是Janet Jackson、Jay-Z、 Timbaland,还是TLC。
1993年,他把自己的名字改成一个符号,声称“王子已经死了”。到这时,他已经用尽他作为实验音乐人的状态并趋向于做rap音乐。1994年开始与老东家华纳音乐展开“音乐奴隶”的哀兵攻防站,终于在1996年发行较好却不怎么叫座的专辑《Chaos And Disorder》之后,与华纳音乐终止长达19年的宾主关系,然后他又自立NPG厂牌,四处兜售充满个性却与他过去市场需求和品味相去甚远的作品。而1998年他对一些最支持他的歌迷组织以及杂志《uptown》提出的诉讼更是使他颇具争议。不过这一切并不能影响到他在音乐界的地位。不妨引用一下艾力克·克莱普顿对他的评价:“王子是所有音乐界精英的化身,他极端的争议性和绝对的天生才气,正是这世界所渴求的。”
正如他自己所说:“这一路走来,实在是一段超乎我想象的精彩旅程。” [/COLOR]作者: lucas 时间: 2004-6-21 13:58:55
Prince - 1979 - Prince
1. Wanna Be Your Lover (Prince) - 5:47
2. Why You Wanna Treat Me So Bad? (Prince) - 3:49
3. Sexy Dancer (Prince) - 4:18
4. When We're Dancing Close and Slow (Prince) - 5:18
5. With You (Prince) - 3:59
6. Bambi (Prince) - 4:22
7. Still Waiting (Prince) - 4:24
8. I Feel for You (Prince) - 3:24
9. It's Gonna Be Lonely (Prince) - 5:30作者: lucas 时间: 2004-6-21 13:59:41
Prince - 1980 - Dirty Mind
1. Dirty Mind (Doctor Fink/Doctor Fink) - 4:11
2. When You Were Mine (Prince) - 3:44
3. Do It All Night (Prince) - 3:42
4. Gotta Broken Heart Again (Prince) - 2:13
5. Uptown (Prince) - 5:30
6. Head performed by Prince / Lisa Coleman - 4:40
7. Sister (Prince) - 1:33
8. Partyup (Prince) - 4:24作者: lucas 时间: 2004-6-21 14:00:23
Prince - 1981 - Controversy
1. Controversy (Prince) - 7:14
2. Sexuality (Prince) - 4:20
3. Do Me Baby (Prince) - 7:47
4. Private Joy (Prince) - 4:25
5. Ronnie, Talk to Russia (Prince) - 1:48
6. Let's Work (Prince) - 3:57
7. Annie Christian (Prince) - 4:21
8. Jack U Off (Prince) - 3:12作者: lucas 时间: 2004-6-21 14:01:18
Prince - 1982 - 1999
1. 1999 (Prince) - 6:15
2. Little Red Corvette (Prince) - 5:03
3. Delirious (Prince) - 4:00
4. Let's Pretend We're Married (Prince) - 7:21
5. D.M.S.R. (Prince) - 8:17
6. Automatic (Prince) - 9:28
7. Something in the Water (Does Not Compute) (Prince) - 4:02
8. Free (Prince) - 5:08
9. Lady Cab Driver (Prince) - 8:19
10. All the Critics Love U in New York (Prince) - 5:59
11. International Lover (Prince) - 6:37作者: lucas 时间: 2004-6-21 14:02:05
Prince - 1987 - The Black Album
1. Le Grind (Prince) - 6:44
2. Cindy C. (Prince) - 6:15
3. Dead on It (Prince) - 4:37
4. When 2 R in Love (Prince) - 3:59
5. Bob George (Prince) - 5:36
6. Superfunkycalifragisexy (Prince) - 5
7. 2 Nigs United 4 West Compton (Prince) - 7:01
8. Rockhard in a Funky Place (Prince) - 4:31作者: lucas 时间: 2004-6-21 14:03:18
Prince - 1988 - Lovesexy
1. Eye No (Prince) - 45:03
2. Alphabet St. (Prince)
3. Glam Slam (Prince)
4. Anna Stesia (Prince)
5. Dance On (Prince)
6. Love Sexy (Prince)
7. When 2 R in Love (Prince)
8. I Wish U Heaven (Prince)
9. Positivity (Prince)作者: lucas 时间: 2004-6-21 14:04:19
Prince - 1989 - Batman
1. The Future (Prince) - 4:07
2. Electric Chair (Prince) - 4:08
3. The Arms of Orion performed by Prince / Sheena Easton - 5:02
4. Partyman (Prince) - 3:11
5. Vicki Waiting (Prince) - 4:52
6. Trust (Prince) - 4:24
7. Lemon Crush (Prince) - 4:15
8. Scandalous (Nelson/Prince) - 6:15
9. Batdance (Prince) - 6:13作者: lucas 时间: 2004-6-21 14:05:12
Prince - Griffiti Bridge
1. Can't Stop This Feeling I Got (Prince) - 4:24
2. New Power Generation (Prince) - 3:39
3. Release It performed by Time - 3:54
4. The Question of U (Prince) - 4:00
5. Elephants & Flowers (Prince) - 3:54
6. Round and Round performed by Prince / Tevin Campbell - 3
7. We Can Funk performed by Prince / George Clinton - 5:28
8. Joy in Repetition (Prince) - 4:53
9. Love Machine performed by Time / Elisa - 3:34
10. Tick, Tick, Bang (Prince) - 3:30
11. Shake! performed by Time - 4:01
12. Thieves in the Temple (Prince) - 3:20
13. The Latest Fashion performed by Time / Prince - 4:02
14. Melody Cool performed by Prince / Mavis Staples - 3:39
15. Still Would Stand All Time (Prince) - 5:23
16. Graffiti Bridge performed by Prince / Mavis Staples / Tevin Campbell - 3:51
17. New Power Generation, Pt. 2 performed by Prince / Mavis Staples / Tevin Campbell - 2:57作者: lucas 时间: 2004-6-21 14:06:03
Prince - Symbol
1. My Name Is Prince performed by Prince & The New Power Generation - 6:25
2. Sexy M.F. performed by Prince & The New Power Generation - 5:25
3. Love 2 the 9's performed by Prince & The New Power Generation - 5:46
4. The Morning Papers performed by Prince & The New Power Generation - 3:57
5. The Max performed by Prince & The New Power Generation - 4:31
6. Segue performed by Prince & The New Power Generation - :21
7. Blue Light performed by Prince & The New Power Generation - 4:38
8. Wanna Melt With U performed by Prince & The New Power Generation - 3:51
9. Sweet Baby performed by Prince & The New Power Generation - 4:01
10. The Continental performed by Prince & The New Power Generation - 5:31
11. Damn U performed by Prince & The New Power Generation - 4:04
12. Arrogance performed by Prince & The New Power Generation - 1:33
13. The Flow performed by Prince & The New Power Generation - 2:27
14. 7 performed by Prince & The New Power Generation - 5:09
15. And God Created Woman performed by Prince & The New Power Generation - 3:18
16. 3 Chains O' Gold performed by Prince & The New Power Generation - 6:03
17. Segue performed by Prince & The New Power Generation - 1:30
18. The Sacrifice of Victor performed by Prince & The New Power Generation - 5:42作者: lucas 时间: 2004-6-21 14:06:48
Prince and the Revolution - 1984 - Purple Rain 本贴包含图片附件:作者: lucas 时间: 2004-6-21 14:07:51
Prince and the Revolution - 1986 - Parade
1. Christopher Tracy's Parade performed by Prince & The Revolution - 2:11
2. New Position performed by Prince & The Revolution - 2:21
3. I Wonder U performed by Prince & The Revolution - 1:40
4. Under the Cherry Moon performed by Prince & The Revolution - 2:57
5. Girls and Boys performed by Prince & The Revolution - 5:30
6. Life Can Be So Nice performed by Prince & The Revolution - 3:12
7. Venus de Milo performed by Prince & The Revolution - 1:54
8. Mountains performed by Prince & The Revolution - 3:58
9. Do U Lie? performed by Prince & The Revolution - 2:43
10. Kiss performed by Prince & The Revolution - 3:38
11. Anotherloverholenyohead performed by Prince & The Revolution - 3:58
12. Sometimes It Snows in April performed by Prince & The Revolution - 6:50作者: lucas 时间: 2004-6-21 14:08:39
Prince and the Revolution - 1987 - Sign O The Times
1. Sign 'O' the Times (Prince) - 4:56
2. Play in the Sunshine (Prince) - 5:05
3. Housequake (Prince) - 4:42
4. Ballad of Dorothy Parker (Prince) - 4:01
5. It (Prince) - 5:09
6. Starfish & Coffee (Prince) - 2:50
7. Slow Love (Davis/Prince) - 4:22
8. Hot Thing (Prince) - 5:39
9. Forever in My Life (Prince) - 3:30
10. U Got the Look (Prince) - 3:47
11. If I Was Your Girlfriend (Prince) - 5:01
12. Strange Relationship (Prince) - 4:01
13. I Could Never Take the Place of Your Man (Prince) - 6:29
14. The Cross (Prince) - 4:48
15. Gonna Be a Beautiful Night - 9:01
16. Adore (Prince) - 6:30作者: lucas 时间: 2004-6-21 14:09:22
The Hits/The B-Sides
1. When Doves Cry (Prince) - 3:47
2. Pop Life (Coleman/Melvoin/Moon/Prince) - 3:41
3. Soft and Wet (Prince) - 3:02
4. I Feel for You (Prince) - 3:24
5. Why You Wanna Treat Me So Bad? (Prince) - 3:48
6. When You Were Mine (Prince) - 3:43
7. Uptown (Prince) - 4:09
8. Let's Go Crazy (Prince) - 4:39
9. 1999 (Prince) - 3:36
10. I Could Never Take the Place of Your Man (Prince) - 3:38
11. Nothing Compares 2 U [live/#] performed by Prince / New Power Generation / Rosie Gaines - 4:57
12. Adore (Prince) - 4:39
13. Pink Cashmere [#] (Prince) - 6:13
14. Alphabet St. (Prince) - 5:38
15. Sign 'O' the Times (Prince) - 3:42
16. Thieves in the Temple (Prince) - 3:19
17. Diamonds and Pearls (Fulsom/McCracklin/Prince) - 4:19
18. 7 performed by Prince / New Power Generation - 5:09
19. Controversy (Prince) - 3:35
20. Dirty Mind (Doctor Fink/Doctor Fink) - 3:49
21. I Wanna Be Your Lover (Prince) - 2:56
22. Head (Prince) - 4:43
23. Do Me Baby (Prince) - 3
24. Delirious (Prince) - 2:38
25. Little Red Corvette (Prince) - 4
26. I Would Die 4 U [live] performed by Prince / Revolution - 2:56
27. Raspberry Beret performed by Prince / Revolution - 3:31
28. If I Was Your Girlfriend (Prince) - 3:46
29. Kiss performed by Prince / Revolution - 3:45
30. Peach [#] (Prince) - 3:48
31. U Got the Look performed by Prince / Sheena Easton - 3:46
32. Sexy M.F. performed by Prince / New Power Generation - 5:24
33. Gett Off performed by Prince / New Power Generation - 4:29
34. Cream performed by Prince / New Power Generation - 4:12
35. Pope [#] (Prince) - 3:28
36. Purple Rain performed by Prince / Revolution - 8:40
37. Hello performed by Prince / Revolution - 3:23
38. 200 Balloons (Prince) - 5:05
39. Escape (Prince) - 3:30
40. Gotta Stop (Messin' About) (Prince) - 2:54
41. Horny Toad (Prince) - 2:12
42. Feel U Up (Prince) - 3:44
43. Girl performed by Prince / Revolution - 3:47
44. I Love U in Me (Prince) - 4:12
45. Erotic City performed by Prince / Revolution - 3
46. Shockadelica (Prince) - 3:30
47. Irresistible Bitch (Prince) - 4:11
48. Scarlet Pussy performed by Camille - 4:18
49. La, La, La, He, He, Hee (Easton/Prince) - 3:21
50. She's Always in My Hair performed by Prince / Revolution - 3:27
51. 17 Days performed by Prince / Revolution - 3:54
52. How Come U Don't Call Me Anymore? (Prince) - 3:50
53. Another Lonely Christmas performed by Prince / Revolution - 4:51
54. God performed by Prince / Revolution - 4:02
55. 4 the Tears in Your Eyes [live] performed by Prince / Wendy / Lisa - 3:23
56. Power Fantastic [live/#] (Prince) - 4:45作者: lixiwen 时间: 2004-6-21 22:06:09