Track List
01 william jackson:corryvreckan 03:33 威廉-杰克逊:
02 christina tourin:all the world is sleeping 04:27克莉丝汀娜:世界都沉睡.
03 genesis:hunting love 07:25追逐爱情
04 ron murray:mayan temple04:31莫理:玛雅神庙
05 prokofiev:dance of the kinghts02:09普罗高菲夫:金山游侠舞
06 clair marlo:wish05:31克莱尔-马罗:心愿
07 carol kidd:when i dream04:33恺洛-姬德:就在我梦见的时候
08 paganini:lucca sonata no 102:46帕格尼尼:卢卡奏鸣曲
09 amada mcbroom: the rose03:10阿曼答:玫瑰
10 bill morrissey:she is that kind of mystery03:26比尔-摩瑞塞 :她有几分神秘
11 christina tourin:shadow spirit02:46克莉丝汀娜:心灵之影.
12 margie gibson:when i lost you02:37麦姬-姬布森:我失去你
13chopincturn no 205:06肖邦:夜曲
14aina minogue:breton childrens song03:46埃纳-米诺格:不列塔尼儿歌
15mozart:dies irae01:52莫扎特:最后的审判日
[/COLOR]作者: lucas 时间: 2004-7-16 15:30:31