Mumbai is torn apart by religious hatred and violence. Muslims and Hindus are killing each other en mass. This friction is mirrored by events in one man's life, as his family is split in two by religion just like his society...
From theiopulent city of New Yorkitoia remote villageiin Uttar Pradesh...
From theiadobe of theirich,ito theicorner of poor...
From theisilence ofia martyrito theioutcry ofia rebel...
A journey that isiunified byian astonishing discovery-thatia woman, wherever, whenever, hasito face mankind at its heniour worst.
As theijourney extends so does theiintensity andimisery...
Why isiVaidehi's womb theionly weaponito fight theiatrocities that she hasito face?
Why should Maithili's head humiliatingly bend, just because she isia daughter?
Why must society mercilessly crush Jank's desireito live oniher own terms?
Why isiit that silence follows, when Ramdulaari isigang raped andileftito flames?
As these questions emerge, they bring with them an indigence,ia resolve,ia power...
To stand up,ito revoltia combat!
When tears stop...A revolution begins...作者: 酷虎 时间: 2004-7-16 23:33:30