
标题: 老农之★★★★★14个关键原因为什么我们不应该使用外国高速火车系统 [打印本页]

作者: xlxia    时间: 2004-8-31 04:35:24     标题: 老农之★★★★★14个关键原因为什么我们不应该使用外国高速火车系统

作者: oldfarmer

                        (casio 应邀翻译)


1) 洋系统的花费比我们的国产系统在整个的产品寿命周期上要大得多(从设计,运行,保养,大修到报废)。

2) 关键设备(硬件和软件)来源自国外并且供货可能中断。

3) 让外国把持信号和控制技术风险极大。

4) 和我国现有铁路系统的兼容性问题。

5) 进口一个交钥匙工程般的系统,即使是有某种形式的技术转让,也永远不会象发展我们自己的技术储备并拥有完全的控制和安全保证那样来得坚实。

6) 削弱,迟滞,并更可能实际上扼杀我国的国产高速铁路系统工业。

7) 丧失大量的可能的工作机会,把他们让予国外的制造业者。

8) 刺激我国相关高科技工业发展的滚雪球效应将不会出现。

9) 丧失国家自豪感,降低民族凝聚力。

10) 在紧急或战时状态,外国产高铁系统更容易被破坏。

11) 修建这样一个洋工程耗资巨大, 削弱了我国其他战略地区急需的运输业的发展。

12) 选用他们的系统,我们就是在用我国十分宝贵的来之不易的外汇去刺激小日本的停滞不前的经济。

13) 日本拒绝为他们极端血腥的反人类战争罪行正式和真诚的道歉并给予合理的物质赔偿。

14) 高铁是战略产业。战略产业依靠洋人(尤其是一个机会主义的合作者)对我国国家安全是有害的。


14 key reasons why we should NOT use foreign high speed train systems (especially the bjwc's) when::

1) They cost much more than our domestic version over the full product life cycle (from design, construction, operation, maintenance, overhaul to end of useful life).

2) Key components (hardware and software) are depending on interruptible foreign sources.

3) Signaling and control technologies are too risky to be controlled by foreign hands.

4) Compatibility issues with our existing rail systems.

5) Importing a turnkey system even with some kind of technology transfer will NEVER be as solid as developing our own expertise with full control and security.

6) Deprive, retard and most probably practically killing our domestic high speed train system industries.

7) Loss of big number of potential job opportunities to foreign manufacturers.

8) Loss of snow-balling effects of stimulating our related high-tech industries.

9) Loss of national pride and weaken our national coercion.

10) In case of emergencies, a foreign built HST system is more vulnerable to sobotage.

11) The excess use of funds in such foreign built projects will deprive the much needed transportation developments in other strategic parts of our nation.

12) By selecting their system, we are using our very precious hard-earned foreign exchange to stimulate jap's stagnant economy.

13) They are refusing to formally and sincerely apologize for their extremely bloody anti-humanity war crimes and pay reasonable substantial compensations.

14) HST system is a strategic industry, and a strategic industry depending on foreign hand (especially for an opportunistic partner) could be detrimental to our national security.

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