This state-of-the-art programme presents, with stunning shooting and the latest computer graphic, how bursting powers are behind the apparent still of the landscapes. Forces that shaped the evolution of our planet.
In the first part the programme tells the story of cataclysms that deeply affected our planet, giving detailed information on the causes and consequences. Striking meteorites, gigantic eruptions, the drifting continents and an unending string of geologic events.
In the second part of the programme, starting from disasters like the eruption of Soufriere volcano in Montserrat isle, or the earthquakes that shook Los Angeles and San Francisco in XX century, geologists depicts the causes of such phenomena and the study to prevent them today. Particularly stunning are the images of a huge network of Caribbean underwater caves, a wonder proof of the quick variation of the ocean levels during the Ice Ages.
哌哌哌哌哌? ? 哌哌哌哌哌? 稗圮 斑苘苘苘 咣?
? 苒圹圹圹圹圹圹鄄? 安圹圹圹圹圹圹圹苓?
? 苒圻鞍鞍鞍咣圹圻? Discovery Channel - Earth A 斑圹圹甙鞍鞍斑圹 ?
圻鞍圹圹圹圹圹? Journey 4 Billion Years Long (1998) 捋圹?鞍鞍鞍 圹?