The DVD includes two very spectacular Discovery Channel programmes.
For centuries navigation was the only way to reach very distant areas all over the world; today, tanks to the evolution of technology, people manage to design vessels much more complex and safer. The programme discovers the biggest and most sophisticated ships in the world: from a luxury cruise ship to a wonderful sailing ship; from a destroyer equipped with unerring weapons, to huge cargo ships. The jewels of present naval engineering, although equipped of state of the art security systems, often resemble models entered into legend, such as the Titanic, the unfortunate liner which now, thanks to a team of designer and engineers, can come to life again with the Titanic II.
The Ocean is also a very dangerous place. The programme discovers the hugest carriers and show life on board and analyses the main risks run not only during war missions, but also during training sessions. But great ships are also a tool for peace and hope. On board of the Eagle sailing ship, we see the midshipmen who will become the future coastguards. Then on board of the biggest hospital ship in the world, with more than 100 specialised doctors.