◎简 介
A wealthy and bored yound woman runs an export shop in New Guinea. While purchasing exotic feathers to export, she decides to go along with an expedition to "The Valley: Obscured by Clouds" (it has never been mapped due to cloud cover nor visited). Along the way, she experiences 60s style communal living, mind expanding native substances, and exotic ** (all frequent components of Barbet Schroeder films) as well as sharing the tribal lifestyle of New Guinea aborigines.
RELEASE: Vallée, La (1972)
AKA: The Valley (Obscured by Clouds) (English title)
RELEASE DATE: 2005/05/28 RETAIL DATE: 2003/01/25
SOURCE: DVD GENRE: Action / Drama
VIDEO CODEC: Xvid 1.1 VIDEO BIT: 824kbps