可以在 Windows 下使用全部功能的克隆与恢复软件;克隆与恢复的速度最快;支持 DVD 驱动器,企业用户可以将大量数据备份到一张大容量的 DVD 碟片上;操作简单。True Image 的优点在于与 Windows 的完全兼容,所有的工作都可以在 Windows 环境下完成,而不需要切换到 DOS 的命令行执行状态.另外,它的速度远远超过另外两款软件,是系统备份与恢复最为方便的工具。
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强大的窗口布局引擎。可以快速且轻松的为应用程序添加高级文档页面与可挂接子窗口。可以模仿Visual Studio 2003, Office 2003 与 Visual Studio 2005的外观。
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强大的窗口布局引擎。可以快速且轻松的为应用程序添加高级文档页面与可挂接子窗口。可以模仿Visual Studio 2003, Office 2003 与 Visual Studio 2005的外观。
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Docklight is a test, analysis and simulation tool for serial communication protocols (RS232, RS485/422 and others).
Here are some key features of "Docklight RS232 Terminal RS232 Monitor":
· Simulating serial protocols - Docklight can send out user-defined sequences according to the protocol used and it can react to incoming sequences. This makes it possible to simulate the behavior of a serial communication device, which is particularly useful for generating test conditions that are hard to reproduce with the original device (e.g. problem conditions).
· Logging RS232 data - All serial communication data can be logged using two different file formats: use plain text format for fast logging and storing huge amounts of data. Or create a HTML file with styled text that lets you easily distinguish between incoming and outgoing data or additional information.
· Detecting specific data sequences - In many test cases you will need to check for a specific sequence within the RS232 data that indicates a problem condition. Docklight manages a list of such data sequences for you and is able to perform user-defined actions after detecting a sequence, e.g. taking a snapshot of all communication data before and after the error message was received.
· Responding to incoming data - Docklight lets you specify user-defined answers to the different communication sequences received. This allows you to build a basic simulator for your serial device within a few minutes. It can also help you to trace a certain error by sending out a diagnostics command after receiving the error message.
· Docklight will work with the COM communication ports provided by your operating system. Physically, these ports will be RS232 SUB D9 interfaces in many cases.
· However, it is also possible to use Docklight for other communication standards such as RS485 and RS422, which have a different electrical design to RS232 but follow the RS232 communication mechanism. Docklight has also been successfully tested with various USB-to-RS232 converters.
· The evaluation versions of Docklight and Docklight Scripting have no time limit for using the software. However, some of the features have been disabled.
· Docklight V1.6 - Disabled functions in the evaluation version:
· Saving project settings
· Logging RS232 data
· Copying RS232 data to the clipboard
· Printing project settings
· Printing RS232 data
· Docklight Scripting V1.6 - Disabled functions in the evaluation version:
· Modifying and saving a Docklight Script
· Opening a Docklight Script file that has been created/modified using an external editor.
What's New in This Release:
· Flow control setting "RS485 Transceiver Control" is now correctly applied for the Keyboard Console tool.
· F12 key brings up the notepad window, even if minimized
· "Communication Filter" to hide the original serial data of one or both communication channels
· Notepad (F12 key) for project documentation
· "Drag and Drop" support for project files and scripts
· Docklight Scripting: new method "UploadFile" for file transfer
· Docklight Scripting: new special function characters in Send or Receive Sequences (set/reset handshake signals, add delay between characters, send or detect a "break" state)
· Fixes and Improvements:
· Keyboard Shortcuts for ASCII code > 126
· DEL key for Send/Receive Sequence lists
· Docklight Scripting: Increased maximum script size (510KB instead of 64KB)
· Inreased Docklight send/receive queue size to allow character-by-character processing using DL_OnReceive()
· Extended documentation and sample scripts to demonstrate Docklight Scripting's data analysis and manipulation capabilities.
· Fixed bug: Docklight crashes when a USB-to-RS232 device is removed while communication is running.
· Fixed problem: When using Option "Flow Control: RS485 transceiver control", the RTS line is reset too early, especially when the standard 16 byte fifo transmit buffer of the UART is enabled.
· Fixed bug: Missing characters in ASCII window / Formatted Text Output mode, when characters are received one-by-one and a single is used for end-of-line.
· Pentium processor 200 MHz or faster
· Minimum 32 MB RAM
· Minimum one COM port available. Two COM ports for monitoring communication between two serial devices.
· Additional cables may be required for connecting the equipment to be tested.
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Easy CD DVD Cover Creator可以帮助您快速和方便的打印CD及DVD和电玩游戏的封面。这个一个易用的软件,并提供帮助文件供参考。VER3.5包含设计CD, DVD和Xbox/PS2/Gamecube/PC游戏封面等的能力。
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NCSS Statistical and Data Analysis 是一款小巧而优秀的统计分析软件,其界面友好,功能齐全,可以进行描述性统计、相关及回归分析、试验设计、质量控制、生存及可靠性分析、多元分析、时间序列分析及预测、统计图表绘制等操作。
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