An offbeat spy comedy. The title roughly means 'Turtle swims much faster than you think'. - Suzume is an ordinary young housewife. Her husband is currently working abroad, so she lives by herself except for a pet turtle. Everyone treats her like nothing. Even her husband often seems to forget about her. She asks for herself 'Am I invisible? Is this all that I am? Nothing happens in my life till the end?' But one day she finds an ad: 'Spy Wanted!' The advertisers seem to be ordinary married couple. They claim they are spies working for some foreign country, and an ordinary person like Suzume is exact what spy should be. They almost force her to be a spy, and give her 5,000,000 Yen as necessary expenses. While all they want her is leading an 'ordinary' life so that none pays attention, her life slowly changes to be rather extraordinary...