■ $$$ Title - Munich $$$ ■
■ $$ $$ ■
■ $$ Ripper........................CBF $$ ■
■ $$$ Date Ripped............04.17.2005 $$$ ■
■ $$ Video Codec ...........XviD 1.1.0 $$ ■
■ $$ Audio Codec ......VBR MP3 124kbps $$ ■
■ $$ Resolution..............640 x 272 $$ ■
■ $$ Subtitles.................Chinese $$ ■
■ $$ Bitrate.................1110 kbps $$ ■
■ $$ Genre....Crime/Drama/History/Th.. $$ ■
■ $$ Runtime..................02:37:02 $$ ■
■ $$ Language............English(MORE) $$ ■
■ $$ File sizes..............2x49x15MB $$ ■
■ $$ DVD Release date.......03.??.2006 $$ ■
■ $$ $$ ■
■ $$ $$ $$ ■
■ $$$$$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$$$$$ ■
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■ .......................@@ @@.......................... ■
■ ....................@@@ comments @@@....................... ■
■ ..................@@ @@..................... ■
■ .................@ You know where to @.................... ■
■ ...............@@ contact us,if not, @@.................. ■
■ ...............@@ never mind. @@.................. ■
■ ..............@@@ @@@................. ■
■ ...............@@ DVDRipped and Packaged @@.................. ■
■ ................@@ by JDI, Thx @@................... ■
■ .................@@ tark and @@.................... ■
■ ................@@ xiaoxin for their @@................... ■
■ .............@@@ help and support. @@@................ ■
■ ...........@@ @@.............. ■
■ .........@ You can just pm ?@TxxZ to @ ........... ■
■ ........@@@ find Me. @@@........... ■
■ .......@@ @@.......... ■
■ ......@@@ @@@......... ■
■ ......@@ synopsis @@......... ■
■ ......@@ @@......... ■
■ ......@ Based on the true story of the Black @......... ■
■ ......@@ September aftermath, about the five men @......... ■
■ .......@ chosen to eliminate the ones responsible@.......... ■
■ ........@ for that fateful day. @........... ■
■ .........@@ @............ ■
■ ...........@@ @............. ■
■ .............@@ @@............... ■
■ ...............@@ @@................. ■
■ ................@@@ @@@.................. ■
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■ %% contact info %%% ■
■ %% %%% ■
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■ %%% World Wide Web %% ■
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■ %% http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0408306/ %%%% ■
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