Well... We've encoded this release @ 29.97 fps because of our source.
We tried and tried various IVTC methods to try and reconstruct the progressive frames.
We have included a sample of our source (NTSC Progressive DVD) to show you that we aren't lying.
If you separate out the fields you will see that the field blending is hard coded into the source
and after several test encodes it seemed that a 29.97 fps encode was the lesser of two evils -
either jerky (23.976) or slightly ghosted (29.97).
As we don't expect a re-cap of the source we release it in this format.
Currently looking for:
windows ripboxes(must be 45mbit+ US/EU Or Asia)
dump (must be 10mbit+ US/EU)
suppliers (cam, audio, dts, screener[dvd/vhs], retail dvds)
FOR ANYTHING ELSE... do not email us asking for help,
rars, assistance of any kind.
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