?鄄 辈苘 苘苒 圹 ?
?鄄 苘 ? Bad Influence <1990> ?策 圹 ?
策圹 ? http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0099091/ ?槽 ?
?圹 ? 鄄 辈苘
?圹苒 Release Date.....: 12 Jun 06 ?苘 ?
?圹 圹 Genre............: Drama/Thriller 咣?槽 ?
?鄄苘? Video Codec......: XviD-v1.1.0-Final 圹 槽 ?
?圮 ? Video Bitrate....: 893 kbit/s 圮圹 ?
?槽 ? Resolution.......: 672 x 352 圹 圹 ?
?槽 圹 Audio Codec......: MP3 鄄苘??
?辈苘? Audio Bitrate....: 124 kbit/s ?圹 ?
?苘 ? Subtitles........: N/A 槽 圹 ?
?槽 ? Runtime..........: 1:35:04 槽 圹 ?
圮圹 圹懿 Rating...........: 5.8/10 (1,668 votes) 曹苘 ?
?圹 哌 ? 苘 圹 ?
?曹 辈弑 苘 苘 ? 圹 ?
?臂 槽 曹苘曹苘苘苘? .:: P L O T S U M M A R Y ::. 曹苘苘苘曹苘苘? 圹苒
?苒 哌 ? ? ? ? 边 哌 ?
?槽 哌 哌 哌 ?辈咣
?槽苒? Michael, a wimpy young executive, is about to get 臂 槽 ?
?边 ? pulverized by a jealous boyfriend in a bar when a 苘?哌 ?
?鄄咣 handsome, mysterious stranger steps in--and then ??哌 ?
曹苒 ? disappears. Later that night, while jogging, Michael 圮圹 ?
?圻 ? runs into the stranger on a pier. He introduces 边 圹 ?
?圹 槽 himself as Alex, and the two go out to an under- 鄄咣??
?鄄 辈苘 ground club. Within a matter of days, Alex wheedles 懿 圹 ?
?鄄 苘 ? his way into Michael's life and turns it upside down, 策 圹 ?
策圹 ?懿 and Michael doesn't realize that Alex is a dangerous ?槽 ?
?圹 ? ? sociopath until it's too late. 鄄 辈苘
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