Take a pill to numb the pain...you don't have to take the blame
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is proud to present
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| | | | __/ | __/ (_| \__ \ __/ | | | | | _| (_) | |
| Release name: The Lost City |
| Release type: XVID DVD SCR |
| Relase CDS : 2 |
| |
| iMDB genre : Drama |
| iMDB runtime: 143 mins |
| iMDB rating : 8.1/10 (821 votes) |
| iMDB link : http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0343996/ |
| |
| Theatre date: 30/05/2006 (Limited - 18 Screens) |
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\---------|_|_|-|_|-|_|\__,_|_.__/--| .__/|_|\___/-\__|---------/
| In Havana, Cuba in the late 1950's, a wealthy family, |
| one of whose sons is a prominent nightclub owner, is |
| caught in the violent transition from the oppressive |
| regime of Batista to the Marxist government of Fidel |
| Castro. Castro's regime ultimately leads the nightclub |
| owner to flee to New York. |
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/--| '__/ _ \ |/ _ \/ _` / __|/ _ \-| '_ \-/ _ \| __/ _ \/ __|--\
| | | | __/ | __/ (_| \__ \ __/ | | | | (_) | || __/\__ \ |
|Sorry ppl for the huge messup. The source obviously wasn't FS. |
|This rerip fixed the AR problem along with the IVTC problem. |
|The audio is also VBR. |
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/----/ _` | '__/ _ \| |-| | '_ \--| '_ \-/ _ \| __/ _ \/ __|----\
| | (_| | | | (_) | |_| | |_) | | | | | (_) | || __/\__ \ |
\----\__, |_|--\___/-\__,_| .__/--|_|-|_|\___/-\__\___||___/----/
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| XanaX are currently looking for: |
| |
| * Eu affiliate sites (100mbit+) |
| * Direct audio suppliers |
| * Cammers |
| * Suppliers of Silvers / Pre Retail DVD / Screeners |
| * 10mbit+ dumps for private group usage |
| * Private shells for group usage |
| |
| Think you can help? Contact us on XanaX@mac.hush.com. |
| |
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