1.magic winds魔幻之风
2.after the rain雨后
3.new morning清晨
4.golden wings金色之翼
5.the miracle of your eyes你眼中的奇迹
6.indian dreams印第安之歌
7.earth melody大地之歌
8.birds over the rainbow飞跃彩虹
9.machu picchu流浪异乡
10.breath of the wind风的气息
11.song of the mayas风雅之歌
12.mother nature返朴归真
13.solar winds清风
14.sunset glow日落
幽谷深处(这张CD据说是冒充班得瑞的,最明显的是其中的第九首<Field Of Tears>是Chris Spheeris的作品。这是张精选集,里面有几首班得瑞的作品,其实它很好听)
1.anther pimension
2.mor than words
3.the two shepherds
4.the yistrel's tale
5.light of emotion
7.when silence was bron
9.field of tears
11.welcome to hearen
12.late autumn
13.blaue layune
14.the lady and the unicorn
15.wonderful glider
天籁之音——sound from holes
01.scar bovough fair
02.a wood land night
03.flight of th condor
04.elves of the night
05.callas went away
06.the eyes of truth
08.sundial dreams
09.le jardin
10.to the children
12.now we are free
13.a morning in corn wall
15.drunk in tea作者: 萨姆 时间: 2002-7-13 19:11:02