Yea we ALL know where this shit came from...But lets face it we are out numbered
by the p2p like a billion to one and they are gonna get some shit before we can but
this fuckin movie is worth it, so your fuckin faggot nukers go crazy with your lame
ass nuke if u want but u know your gonna d/l and watch ...so Bow down to the qKilla
SOurce: Workprint
Resolution: 576:320
Sound: 128 kbbp
25 FPS
WORKPRITN (WP)是从未完成的电影拷贝转制而成,可能会缺失镜头和音乐。质量可能从最好到很差。有些WP可能和最终版本相差很远(MEN IN BLACK的WP丢失了所有的外星人,代之以演员);另一些则包括多余的镜头(Jay and Silent Bob)。WPs可以作为有了好质量的最终版本后的附加收藏。
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