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;' (_,-: _,:: .| Life.Of.The.Party.2005.Limited.DVDRiP.XviD-iNTiMiD
; ( , ) _,':::' ,; Release Date: 2007.04.07 Runtime: 87min 07sec
; )-,;' `:' .:: DVD Date: 2007.04.10 Rating: 6.5/10 (30 votes)
| `' ; `:::\ Theater Date: 2005.??.??
: ,' ' `:\ Genre: Comedy, Drama
;: ' _,-': .' `-. Language: English
';::..,' ' , ` ,__ `.
`;'' / ; _;_,-' `. Video: 942 kbps xvid Packed: 49x15mb
/ _;--. \ Audio: 169 kbps vbr mp3 Subs: English, Spanish
,' / ,' `. \ Resolution: 640x272 (2.35:1)
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(::.. `-'\ "`""' Plot Outline: Michael Elgin (Eion Bailey), former
;::::. \ __ high school track star, keeps reality at bay by
,::::::. .:' ) ,-' ) having a few too many cocktails. His wife (Ellen
/ `;:::::::'`__,:.:::' /`---' ,' Pompeo) is ready to leave him and his career is
; `""""' ( \:::' / _,-' hanging by a thread. When he crashes his friend's
; \ \:' ,';:.,-' car and emerges unscathed, he scares those who care
( : )\ ( into organizing an intervention. Michael comes home
`. \ \ ; to find his friends, co-workers, parents, wife, and
`-.___ : ,\ \ ( new girlfriend waiting. When the psychiatrist who
,','._::::| \ \ \ \ was supposed to guide them never shows up, Michael
(,(,---;;;;; \ \|;;;) takes over and turns the event into yet another
`._\_\ party. When secrets are revealed, emotions erupt,
relationships unravel and Michael must find a way
to pull his life back together and save his
marriage...one drink at a time.
Eion Bailey .............Michael Elgin
Ellen Pompeo ............Phoebe Elgin
Clifton Collins Jr. .....Kipp
John Ales ...............Artie
Gabriel Olds ............Stuart
Kristin Bauer ...........Caroline
Pamela Reed .............Evelyn
David Clennon ...........Jack
John Ross Bowie .........Bert
Rosalind Chao ...........Mei Lin
Larry Miller ............Dr. Trent
Directed by:
Barra Grant
Release Notes:
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