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鸮^:,____________________________________________________________________,:^^? *With.Luv.Tumhaara.2006.LiMiTED.DVDRiP.XviD-D3Si*
鸮^:,____________________________________________________________________,:^^? 鸮^:,_Info_______________________________________________________________,:^^?
RELEAsE DAtE...: 2006
CiNEmA DAtE....: 2006
MEDiA..........: XviD
GENre..........: Romance
CD SiZe........: CD1 /50
RATiNG.........: 9.7/10
URL............: http://former.imdb.com/title/tt0854172/
Subs...........: English
MultiSubs......: English, Francais, Deutsch, Nederlands, Espanol
鸮^:,____________________________________________________________________,:^^? 鸮^:,_Plot_______________________________________________________________,:^^?
Anuradha [Preeti Jhangiani] is in love with an army man, Akshay
[Nakul Vaid], who lives with his father, Colonel Mahendra [Sharat Saxena],
in Manali. They are about to get married, but Akshay is called on a
mission. He knows he must go and although everyone is disappointed,
they eagerly await his return. Also on the mission is his good friend
Rahul [Parvin Dabas], with whom he shares many of his feelings. A few
days later, Col. Mahendra receives a letter from army headquarters
stating that his son is missing. Although unwilling, he has a slight
idea of what it could mean. He does not tell Anu about recent developments,
fearing her reaction. Just then Rahul comes to their house to inform
Akshay抯 family members about the reality. He tells the Colonel that
Rahul has died as a brave soldier. The news is not taken well, but Anu
is still kept in the dark. Rahul is asked to stay in their home for a
few days. Write your own movie review of With Luv... Tumhaara Rahul抯
fianc?Neha [Anupama Varma] is arrogant and egoistic by nature and does
not understand the terms that must be dealt with before Rahul can come
back home. Rahul falls in love with Anu and decides to live with the
Colonel since Anu has accepted a job offer in Delhi. He assumes her
responsibilities. Six months later, Anu is called back by Colonel
Mahendra, who reveals the love Rahul has for her and wants them to stay
together forever. But Anu vehemently states that no one can replace Akshay
in her life. Rahul cannot live with her, yet be far away from her, so
he decides to leave from there.
鸮^:,____________________________________________________________________,:^^? 鸮^:,_Cast_______________________________________________________________,:^^?
Pankaj Berry .... Colonel Kapoor
Moushumi Chatterjee .... Special appearance
Parvin Dabas .... Rahul khanna
Preeti Jhangiani .... Anuradha
Lalit Parashar
Sharat Saxena
Manmeet Singh
Sanjeev Tiwari
Nakul Vaid .... Akshay kapoor
Anupama Verma .... Neha
鸮^:,____________________________________________________________________,:^^? 鸮^:,_Contact____________________________________________________________,:^^? Got anything to offer? Email us.
We Are Looking For Dumps (10mbit+) for exclusive d3si use,
affils, anyone who can provide pre-retail dvds, screeners.
If you can help with any of the above drop us a mail.
鸮^:,____________________________________________________________________,:^^? 鸮^:,_Greets_____________________________________________________________,:^^? - aM - EMERALD - XPD - ProjectX - Echelon - BrG - FanSuB -
To All That Deserve It.
鸮^:,____________________________________________________________________,:^^? DDDDDDDDDDDDD 333333333333333 SSSSSSSSSSSSSSS iiii
D::::::::::::DDD 3:::::::::::::::33 SS:::::::::::::::S i::::i
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