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RELEAsE DAtE...: 1965
CiNEmA DAtE....: 1965
MEDiA..........: XviD
GENre..........: Drama / Musical / Romance
CD SiZe........: CD1 /50 | CD2 /50
RATiNG.........: 8.8/10
URL............: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0059246/
Subs...........: English
Vijay Anand's classic movie based on R K Narayan's novel Guide is
the story of a young guide Raju (Dev Anand). Raju has just been
released from jail and wishing to make a clean break with the past,
he wanders till one day tired and hungry he rests in a remote temple
in the outskirts of a village. The innocent villagers mistake him for
a holy man. The temple soon becomes his house, and the villagers his
disciples, and he helps them in his own way by giving them advice in
their practical affairs and by entertaining them with mythological
stories that he had heard in his childhood from his mother. But Raju
is haunted by his past. His life as a guide is turned upside down when
he meets with Rosie (Waheeda Rehman) and her husband Marco, an archaeologist.
Rosie's love for dancing has been curbed by Marco and a sympathetic Raju
views her suffering. When Rosie decides to end her life, Raju helps her
to till he makes Rosie a famous artiste. Raju and Rosie fall in love but
the immense wealth and fame brought in by Rosie's success makes them grow
apart. One day Raju foolishly commits an act of forgery and he is shocked
and feels betrayed when Rosie supports the criminal charges against him.
And that's how Raju had landed up in Jail. Here however the villagers are
suffering. there is a famine in the village and people were dying. The
people look upto Raju, who they believed to be their saviour. For had he
not narrated to them the story of a holy man who had once fasted for twelve
days to appease the rain Gods? And was it not true that gods could not
ignore his prayers and had to send down a deluge of water? Raju, if he
really cared and loved them, could repeat the miracle. Raju inspite of
a thousand protests, is cornered and forced to begin the fast. Hunger
and pain question his decision and ask him to abandon the fast but his
love for the villagers compels him to continue. Does Raju give in and
break his fast? Or does he continue. What happens to Raju. the criminal
who became a holy man? Watch Guide, the compelling drama of human emotions.
Notes: A really crappy source, but it still looks good...enjoy!
Dev Anand ... Raju
Waheeda Rehman ... Rosie Marco/Miss Nalini
Leela Chitnis ... Raju's Mother
Anwar Hussain ... Gaffoor
Ulhas ... Raju's Uncle (Mamaji)
Gajanan Jagirdar ... Bhola (as Jagirdar)
Rashid Khan ... Joseph
Kishore Sahu ... Marco
Praveen Paul ... Bhola's Wife (as Pravin Paul)
Mridula Rani ... Laxmibai (as Mirdula Rani)
Sheela R. (as Ellen Sheela R.)
Krishan Dhawan ... Inspector Girdhari
Prem Sagar
Narbada Shankar (as Nerbada Shankar)
Got anything to offer? Email us.
We Are Looking For Dumps (10mbit+) for exclusive d3si use,
affils, anyone who can provide pre-retail dvds, screeners.
If you can help with any of the above drop us a mail.
- aM - EMERALD - XPD - ProjectX - Echelon - BrG - FanSuB -
To All That Deserve It.
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