懿鄄? 苒圹策 咣??
苓圹圹圹?苒圹圹 ?槽 槽
苘? 鄄 圹圹?卟圹圹圹 苒?苒
苒圹咣?哕圹圹?圻 圹圹? 哌 苒?
苒鄄??咣?圹圹? 圹圹? 苒圹
苘 苒圹? 鄄?槽 圹圹? 圹圹?苒圹?
苒哌圹圹圹? 咣 苒?圹圹? 圹圹?圹圹?
鄄? 咣圹圹 咣? 圹圹? 圹圹?圹圹?
咣苘?圹圹? 圹圹?懿 圹圹?圹圹?[t.M.l]
哌 圹圹? 圹圹? 咣圹圹?圹圹?
苘苘苘苘苘苘苘苘?圹圹? ? 苘 圹圹圮 圹圹?圹圹?? 苒? 苘苘苘苘苘苘
鞍鞍鞍鞍鞍鞍鞍鞍?圹圹鄄 ?苒? 咣圹圹圮 咣圹?圹圹??圹 咣?鞍鞍鞍鞍鞍?
鞍鞍鞍鞍鞍鞍鞍鞍?圹圹圹? 鄄 ? 苒? 卟圮 咣?圹圹圮 圹?槽 鞍鞍鞍鞍鞍?
哌哌哌哌哌哌哌哌 苒咣圹圹?咣?懿? 曹 槽 槽?圹圻圹圮 ?苒?哌哌哌哌哌?
懿??咣圻槽?哌? ? 苒??苒圹槽圹咣圮圻
?卟? 咣圻 哌 苒哌 咣圻 哌
荥 鄄 ?
苓 ? 哕
苒圮 鄄 苒? PRESENTS 苒? 槽 苒圮
鄄圹圹 圻哌 咣? 卟圹? 咣鄄? 苒? 哌咣 圹圹槽
鄄槽圹 ?圻 ? 咣圮苘苘? 哕苘苘苒圻 ?咣 ?圹鄄槽
苘 咣圻 苒 ? 哌哌? 哌哌哌 ?圮 咣圻 苘
鄄圹 苘苒? ? ? 咣苘?圹槽
咣圻 ? Interceptor (1992) ?咣圻
苘苘圻 咣苘苘
?苘? 苘??
??? Release date...: 2007/05/06 ???
??? Theatre date...: STV ???
??? DVD date.......: 2006/09/xx (PL) ???
??? Genre..........: Action ???
??? Audio language.: English ???
??? Subtitles......: PL ???
??? Runtime........: 1h 29m 18s ???
??? iMDB link......: http://imdb.com/title/tt0104516/ ???
??? iMDB rating....: 4.3/10 (195 votes) ???
?+ ? ?+ ?
?+ ? Source.........: PAL DVD (R2) ?+ ?
?+ ? Video codec....: XviD ?+ ?
?+ ? Video bitrate..: 959 kbit/s ?+ ?
?+ ? DRF average....: 3.55 ?+ ?
?+ ? Audio codec....: MP3 (VBR) ?+ ?
?+ ? Audio bitrate..: 127 kbit/s (stereo) ?+ ?
?+ ? Resolution.....: 512 x 384 (1.33:1) ?+ ?
?+ ? Framerate......: 25.000 fps ?+ ?
?+ ? Size...........: 1CD (50 x 15MB) ?+ ?
?+ ? ?+ ?
??? 荥 ? ???
??? 苓 哕 ???
? 苒圮 鄄 苒? STORY & INFO 苒? 槽 苒圮 ?
? 鄄圹圹 圻哌 咣? 卟圹? 咣鄄? 苒? 哌咣 圹圹槽 ?
? 鄄槽圹 ?圻 ? 咣圮苘苘? 哕苘苘苒圻 ?咣 ?圹鄄槽 ?
苘 咣圻 苒 ? 哌哌? 哌哌哌 ?圮 咣圻 苘
鄄圹 苘苒? ? ? 咣苘?圹槽
咣圻 ? ?咣圻
苘苘圻 咣苘苘
?苘? Story: 苘??
??? ???
??? While test flying a stealth-fighter with a new ???
??? Virtual-Reality control circuit somewhere over Turkey, ???
??? Capt. Christopher Winfield encounters problems and ???
??? must eject from the plane, that subsequently crashes. ???
??? Capt. Winfield must follow the two remaining ???
??? stealth-fighters home to the US in the cargo-bay of a ???
??? transport-plane flown by Maj. Janet Morgan for a court ???
??? martial. A group of terrorists led by a man called ???
??? Phillips are very interested in the planes and try to ???
??? high-jack one in mid-air, thus forcing Capt. Winfield ???
??? to go into action. ???
??? ???
?+ ? ?+ ?
?+ ? Cast: ?+ ?
?+ ? ?+ ?
?+ ? Jurgen Prochnow - Phillips ?+ ?
?+ ? Andrew Divoff - Capt. Christopher Winfield ?+ ?
?+ ? Elizabeth Morehead - Maj. Janet Morgan ?+ ?
?+ ? J. Kenneth Campbell - Engineer ?+ ?
?+ ? Jon Cedar - Elliot ?+ ?
?+ ? ?+ ?
?+ ? ?+ ?
?+ ? Notes: ?+ ?
?+ ? ?+ ?
?+ ? For the Jurgen Prochnow fans! ?+ ?
?+ ? ?+ ?
??? ???
??? 荥 ? ???
??? 苓 哕 ???
? 苒圮 鄄 苒? CONTACT 苒? 槽 苒圮 ?
? 鄄圹圹 圻哌 咣? 卟圹? 咣鄄? 苒? 哌咣 圹圹槽 ?
? 鄄槽圹 ?圻 ? 咣圮苘苓 哕苘苘圹? ?咣 ?圹鄄槽 ?
苘 咣圻 苒 ? 哌哌 哌哌? ?圮 咣圻 苘
鄄圹 苘苒? ? ? 咣苘?圹槽
咣圻 ? We are looking for: ?咣圻
苘苘圻 咣苘苘
?苘? DVD rippers (xvid) (EU/US) 苘??
??? 100Mbit+ affil sites (EU/US/Asia) ???
??? ???
??? Want to get in touch with us? Contact our agent. ???
?+ ? Yes, we actually have one. ?+ ?
?+ ? ?+ ?
??? 荥 ? ???
??? 苓 哕 ???
? 苒圮 鄄 苒? GREETINGS 苒? 槽 苒圮 ?
? 鄄圹圹 圻哌 咣? 卟圹? 咣鄄? 苒? 哌咣 圹圹槽 ?
? 鄄槽圹 ?圻 ? 咣圮苘苘苘? 哕苘苘苘圹? ?咣 ?圹鄄槽 ?
苘 咣圻 苒 ? 哌哌哌? 哌哌哌? ?圮 咣圻 苘
鄄圹 苘苒? ? ? 咣苘?圹槽
咣圻 ? ?咣圻
苘苘圻 OdbC * VoMiT * TWiST * BCC 咣苘苘
?苘? 苘??
??? DeviL * VBS * DvF ???
哌哌圮 苒哌哌
苒圮 ? ?苒圮
鄄圹 哌咣? ?苘苘苘苘苘苘苘苘苘苘苘苘苘苘苘苘苘苘苘苘苘苘?? 苒哌?圹槽
哌 苒圮 咣 ? ?圻 苒圮 哌
鄄槽圹 ?圮 ?nfo by kOUba last update: 2oo6-o4-o5 ?苒 ?圹鄄槽
鄄圹圹 圮苘苘苘苘苘苘苘苘苘苘苘苘苘苘苘苘苘苘苘苘苘苘苘苘苘?圹圹槽
咣圻 咣圻
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