苒咣圹圹圹圹圹郾膊圮? 哕 ?
圹 苒圹圹圹圹郾北膊膊佰 ?? 苘
苒哕圹圹圹圹郯鞍北辈膊膊佰? ?哕 苒哌圮?
捋咣圹脖边北北郯氨北膊膊脖圹?? 苒 咣?
捋圹膊北北北北北哌咣辈辈槽哌咣苒 掭 苘策? 咣苘
捋鄄北北北槽圹圮北北边咣臂 败 ?咻 圻 苒 葸圮?咣苘
鄄北北槽圹圹圹郯鼙北北边? ?? 圯 掭 捋 捃 ?咣 咣?
薏槽圹圹圹圹哌咣佰鄄北辈臂 ?曹?馨草 ?苒 哌 捱苻哕?苓圮
捋?苘 圻 圹圹圹圹鄄辈槽 鞍捋 捋郯? 茌捋 茌 哕 苓 咣辈 咣
捋圻咣圮 苘? 咣圹圹鄄槽 郾北蒉圹安曹 圻 ? 槽? ? 苻葸?佰 掭
? 圹圹圮? 圹圹圹郯莅辈卑苓圹佰佰? 掭 鄄 苒哕 佰槽咣 ?蒉??掭
薨苘? 圹圹圹圹?捋圹圹圹?鞍 斑圹圹郯臂圮?鄄 ? 哕 圹 ? 弑 佰 ?
槽圹圮 咣膊圹圹圹?圹圹圹圹郾鞍茌揶圹圹郯臂圹圻?? ? 捋? 咿 ?薏 氨捋
槽圹圹 槽圹圹圹 圹圹圹圹槽馨咿苒圹圹圹圹圹圹?哌 捋甙 咣安 郾?鄄 荼掭
槽圹圯 咣圹?捋鄄佰圹槽圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹?? 卟捃捃 薨 莅?郯 鄄?
槽圹? ?? 圹郯圹圹圹圹圹圹佰圹圹圹圹圹圹圹???圻圯槽郯? 圹甙掭
槽? 膊 捋圹圹圹圹圹圹圹郯圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圮圮哌 哌咣苒 安卟 ?
佰? ? 辈?捋圹圹圹圹圹圹圹臂圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹? ?卟?
? ?葸 辈槽臂圹圹鄄圹圹圹槽圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹
圹苘圻 北槽圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹佰圹圹圹圹圹圹郾槽
圯 辈圹圹槽圹圹郯圹圹佰圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹膊?
掭 葺 ? 辈臂圹郯圹郯圹圹圹郯佰圹圹圹圹圹圹圹佰?
掭 ? 氨卑圹圹圹圹安鄄圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹
掭 ?? 脖卑臂鄄圹鄄圹佰鞍佰佰圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹?
??? ?脖卑鞍佰圹郾鄄鞍鞍鞍佰圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹?
掭薇薇 苒哌膊鞍氨佰圹郾安氨鞍安鞍佰圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹?
圻哌哌 苒鞍氨鞍臂圹圹郾氨脖膊卑圯槽圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹?
臂圹圹圹? 圹膊舶郯臂圹郯槽圹圹鄄圹圹圹圹圹?
佰圹圹圹? 捋郯槽莅辈郯鄄圹圹圹脖圹圹圹圹郯?
Ape. Man. Angel. 捋圹圹圹圯 圹圹佰莅卑圹圹圹圹鄄臂圹圹圹圹鄄?
鞍臂圹圹圹圹圹圯鄄圹圹圹圹舶臂圹圹鄄 鄄槽槽圹圹圹?
馨圹圹圹圹圹圹策 圹鄄圹圹圯安圹圹圹? 臂槽圹圹圹圹?
薨鄄佰圹斑哌 捋圹圹圹郯槽圹圹鄄 槽鄄圹圹圹鄄
脖? 佰? 薏圹圹圹荼圹圹圹鄄 咣圹圹圹圹圹?
薏? 氨 圹圹圹坜圹圹圹圹 捋圹圹圹圹圹
郾 ? ? 捋圹圹蒇圹圹圹郯 捋圹圹圹圹圮
薨 槽?? 捋槽圹捋圹圹佰圹 捋圹圹圹圹圯
鄄 ?薨? 捋圹圯圹佰圹圹鄄? 捋圹郾圹圹?
薨 ? 厕? 圹圹圯圹圹臂圹鄄? 捋圹圹圹佰?
郯 ?掭 ? 懿圹圹莅圹圹圹圹鄄? 咣圹圹圹圹?
蒇舶 ? 懿卟佰郾坜鞍圯圹鄄圹郯? 捋郯郯圹臂曹
佰薏 甙? 苘边 ? 舶郯郯 槽圹圹安? 辈舶圹圹圹圯
甙圹 苓 鄄 北 卑? 捃圮 捋 坜蒉佰 苒郯??郾圹?
哌? 鄄 鞍 苒圻哌哕 圹鄄稗蒉 ?馨掭 苒哌圹圯氨 ?郯圯
坜 懿佰? 哌圹薏圯蒉蒉坜圯 苒?? ? 氨 圹圹?
哌哌? 膊蒈鄄圹圻 圮圮圮圮圹鄄哌哌 ?
ANGELIC 苘苘? ? 弑哌哌? 斑哌哌哌哌? ?
苓哌? ? 苒? 臂 苒斑臂鼙弑?斑圮 ?
苒??卟? ? ? 圻? 臂 边哌哌咣懿? 捋? ?
? ? 苓哌? 郯 郾? 薏? ? ? EVOLUTION
? 苒? 卟?草 苘 ?圹 捋圯 圯 ? ?
? ? 槽 ? ? ?? 苘 鄄 边郯 ? 斑 咣?
? 苓哌???槽 ? 掭 ? ? 捋? ?掭 陛 苓哌苓 舶
苘圻 卟? ? 掭 ? ??? ?败苒 臂莅 捱 ? ? ? 苒 ? 曹 弑
馨 策 鞍 捋 ?卟 掭 ?氨 拜 ?稗 掭 臂 败策 ?? ?
?? 苘? 圹苘苘苒? ? ?? 圻苘苘鞍稗?卑佰 ? ?圯 ?苓哌?
? 鼙? 败 北 ? 掭 ?卑鞭? 哌哌拜氨卑??氨 草 ? ?苒? 曹
卟? 鞍哌哌哕避 ? ?北 圹? 懿甙?? 臂 ?北 圯 ?? ? ?
? ? ? 北甙 北? ? ?掭稗??弑哌哌哌 氨 斑??北?? 哕哌哕 ? ?
?甙 ?? 圻 膊北脖脖?安 ?槽安舶氨北鞍膊 苒佰 ??脖脖掭 懿 ? 曹 ?
卟 ?苒咣??辈辈苘苘膊辈安弑氨氨圮安膊膊膊氨圹? 圯膊辈 ? ? ?
? 鄄北 ?脖臂? 哌懿卑氨?圹北圹圮苘苒郾臂 槽 辈辈掭 鞍 策哌??
舶 脖?? 斑 辈边圮? 苒圹圹?圹圹厕圹莶圹圹 苒圹圹?掭 脖脖? 哌苒 ? 曹
?边 ? 咿莶辈膊策?圹圹槽圹圮咣圯圹圹捋圻苒圹鄄圹圹 圮辈脖草掭
??边 ? 曹膊膊膊厕圹? 咣圹圮圯槽鄄捋苒圹圻 咣圯捋舶辈曹? ?
安鞍? 哕苘圹圮懿膊圹圮 苒圹圹圹佰郯圹圹圹圮 败圹?弑膊臂圮苘? ?哕
? 圹?苒圹脖郯圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圮掭苒圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹辈圹圮哕圹
圹?哌圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹?哌圹圹圹圹圹哌 槽圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圻?咣?
? 咣圹圹策? 圹? 哌圹哌 槽? 哌槽圹圹? ?
鞍 ? 薏? 苒? 捋? 卟? ? 鞍
北 ? 咣策 卟圻 ? 北
膊 ? 苻? 掭? ? 膊
? 苘? 苘? ?
?圹圯 Thin.2006.DVDRip.XviD-AEN 捋圹 ?
?圹? 圹??
?圹? 捋??
?圹 圹 ?
?圹 AEN release ..: 06.10.2007 Source type ..: DVD R1 NTSC 圹 ?
?圹 DVD date .....: 11.21.2006 Video codec ..: XviD Koepi 1.0.3 圹 ?
?圹 Theatre ......: 09.21.2006* Aspect ratio .: 1.33:1 圹 ?
?圹 Runtime ......: 1h 42m 26s Resolution ...: 512x384 圹 ?
?圹 Language .....: English Video bitrate : 833 kbps 圹 ?
?圹 Subtitles ....: None Framerate ....: 23.976 fps 圹 ?
?圹 Subtitle type.: None Audio codec ..: MP3 (VBR) 圹 ?
?圹 RAR count ....: CD1 37x20MB Audio format .: 2ch 110kbps 48kHz 圹 ?
?圹 --------------- CD2 00x00MB 圹 ?
?圹 圹 ?
?圹 AVI size .....: CD1 734.236.672 bytes 圹 ?
?圹 --------------- CD2 000.000.000 bytes 圹 ?
?圹 圹 ?
?圹 * Premiered at a Austin Film Festival. 圹 ?
?圹 圹 ?
?圹? ? ? 捋??
?圹? 掭 哕苓 掭 圹??
?圹圯 圯 哕 掭 苓 捋 捋圹 ?
?哌? 薏 掭 鄄 捋 薏 哌??
膊 ?? 苒圹圹?咣圹厕圹蒇圹圹 苒圹圹? ?? 膊
北 ? 咿? 圹圹槽圹圮咣圯圹圹捋圻苒圹鄄圹圹 掭? ? 北
鞍 ? 曹 捋圻 咣圹圮圯圹鄄捋苒圹圻 咣圯 懿 ? 鞍
? 苘苘圹圮? 圹圮 苒圹圹圹 圹 圹圹圹圮 苒圹 苘苒圮苘? ?
圹?苒圹脖郯圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圮掭苒圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹辈圹圮 苒?
哌圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹?哌圹圹圹圹圹哌 槽圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圻?
咣圹圹策? 圹? 哌圹哌 槽? 哌槽圹圹?
薏? 苒? 捋? 卟?
? 咣策 卟圻 ?
掭 掭
? ?
掭 哕苓 掭
圯 哕 掭 苓 捋
薏 掭 鄄 捋 薏
苒圹圹?咣圹厕圹蒇圹圹 苒圹圹?
掭 圹圹槽圹圮咣圯圹圹捋圻苒圹鄄圹圹 掭
曹 捋圻 咣圹圮圯圹鄄捋苒圹圻 咣圯 懿
苘苘圹圮? 圹圮 苒圹圹圹 圹 圹圹圹圮 苒圹 苘苒圮苘?
圹?哌圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹?哌圹圹圹圹圹哌 槽圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圻?咣?
? 咣圹圹策? 圹? 哌圹哌 槽? 哌槽圹圹? ?
鞍 ? 薏? 苒? 捋? 卟? ? 鞍
北 ? 咣策 卟圻 ? 北
膊 ? 苻? 掭? ? 膊
? ? ? ? ? ?
?圹圯 捋圹 ?
?圹? 圹??
?圹? 捋??
?圹 Movie title ..: Thin (2006) 圹 ?
?圹 Directed by ..: Lauren Greenfield 圹 ?
?圹 Genre ........: Documentary 圹 ?
?圹 IMDb URL .....: http://imdb.com/title/tt0492496/ 圹 ?
?圹 IMDb rating ..: 7.5/10 (240 votes) 圹 ?
?圹 圹 ?
?圹 Plot outline .: 圹 ?
?圹 圹 ?
?圹 The HBO Documentary film Thin takes us inside the walls 圹 ?
?圹 of Renfrew Center, a residential facility for the 圹 ?
?圹 treatment of women with eating disorders, closely 圹 ?
?圹 following four young women (ages 15 - 30) who have spent 圹 ?
?圹 their lives starving themselves often to the verge of 圹 ?
?圹 death. The film deftly chronicles the pervasiveness of 圹 ?
?圹 restrictive eating behaviors (most of the women profiled 圹 ?
?圹 learned dysfunctional eating habits from their mothers 圹 ?
?圹 while growing up), as well as the failure of our current 圹 ?
?圹 health-insurance industry to address its clients' needs, 圹 ?
?圹 while never shifting focus from the women themselves. 圹 ?
?圹 圹 ?
?圹 Cast .........: 圹 ?
?圹 圹 ?
?圹 Shelly Guillory .... Herself 圹 ?
?圹 Brittany Robinson .... Herself 圹 ?
?圹 Alisa Williams .... Herself 圹 ?
?圹 Polly Williams .... Herself 圹 ?
?圹 圹 ?
?圹 圹 ?
?圹 圹 ?
?圹 圹 ?
?圹? ? ? 捋??
?圹? 掭 哕苓 掭 圹??
?圹圯 圯 哕 掭 苓 捋 捋圹 ?
?哌? 薏 掭 鄄 捋 薏 哌??
膊 ?? 苒圹圹?咣圹厕圹蒇圹圹 苒圹圹? ?? 膊
北 ? 咿? 圹圹槽圹圮咣圯圹圹捋圻苒圹鄄圹圹 掭? ? 北
鞍 ? 曹 捋圻 咣圹圮圯圹鄄捋苒圹圻 咣圯 懿 ? 鞍
? 苘苘圹圮? 圹圮 苒圹圹圹 圹 圹圹圹圮 苒圹 苘苒圮苘? ?
圹?苒圹脖郯圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圮掭苒圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹辈圹圮 苒?
哌圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹?哌圹圹圹圹圹哌 槽圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圻?
咣圹圹策? 圹? 哌圹哌 槽? 哌槽圹圹?
薏? 苒? 捋? 卟?
? 咣策 卟圻 ?
掭 掭
? ?
掭 哕苓 掭
圯 哕 掭 苓 捋
薏 掭 鄄 捋 薏
苒圹圹?咣圹厕圹蒇圹圹 苒圹圹?
掭 圹圹槽圹圮咣圯圹圹捋圻苒圹鄄圹圹 掭
曹 捋圻 咣圹圮圯圹鄄捋苒圹圻 咣圯 懿
苘苘圹圮? 圹圮 苒圹圹圹 圹 圹圹圹圮 苒圹 苘苒圮苘?
圹?哌圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹?哌圹圹圹圹圹哌 槽圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圻?咣?
? 咣圹圹策? 圹? 哌圹哌 槽? 哌槽圹圹? ?
鞍 ? 薏? 苒? 捋? 卟? ? 鞍
北 ? 咣策 卟圻 ? 北
膊 ? 苻? 掭? ? 膊
? ? ? ? ? ?
? 苘? RIPPER's NOTES 苘? ?
?圹圯 捋圹 ?
?圹? 圹??
?圹? 捋??
?圹 圹 ?
?圹 圹 ?
?圹 Eating disorders affect an estimated five million ppl 圹 ?
?圹 in the United States. As many as one in seven women 圹 ?
?圹 with anorexia will die from the illness. 圹 ?
?圹 圹 ?
?圹 This documentary deals with different kinds of eating 圹 ?
?圹 disorders, such as anorexia and bulimia. Well, it 圹 ?
?圹 actually doesn't deal with the disease as much as it 圹 ?
?圹 does with the victims suffering from it. This is a 圹 ?
?圹 very frank tale that centers between four women at a 圹 ?
?圹 closed facility for women with just these kinds of 圹 ?
?圹 problems. I have to admit I felt most for the 圹 ?
?圹 youngest girl Brittany, aged fifteen. Her eating 圹 ?
?圹 disorder began at the tender age of eight, and she 圹 ?
?圹 dropped from 185 to 97 pounds. 圹 ?
?圹 圹 ?
?圹 What I like about this documentary is that it lacks 圹 ?
?圹 all those dull and stiff opinions and interviews from 圹 ?
?圹 "professionals" that explains everything in detail. 圹 ?
?圹 So from a scientist point of view you could say that 圹 ?
?圹 this is rather a study in behaviorism than a fact 圹 ?
?圹 stuffed package. 圹 ?
?圹 圹 ?
?圹 Personally I blame the corporations and media for the 圹 ?
?圹 situation. We live in a world where everything "has 圹 ?
?圹 its price", and to make as much money as possible you 圹 ?
?圹 simply need to market yourself in a good way. If some 圹 ?
?圹 minor group of people gets affected in a negative way 圹 ?
?圹 as a consequence? Fuck that, corporations only care 圹 ?
?圹 about profit. That's why it feels good to see that 圹 ?
?圹 there are people like the ones working in this 圹 ?
?圹 hospital that actually still cares about other people. 圹 ?
?圹 Of course their resources are limited as well, as you 圹 ?
?圹 might know from own experience. If your insurance runs 圹 ?
?圹 out you're toasted. There's no compassion to it. If it 圹 ?
?圹 runs out, it runs out. No exceptions. My point is that 圹 ?
?圹 it's a damn cold and harsch system that doesn't care 圹 ?
?圹 for a single thing but MONEY. 圹 ?
?圹 圹 ?
?圹 Anorexia and bulimia are two interesting diseases and 圹 ?
?圹 I hope that by watching this documentary you will be 圹 ?
?圹 fascinated (and even touched) and then perhaps try to 圹 ?
?圹 engage some kind of commitment to people that suffers 圹 ?
?圹 from it. 圹 ?
?圹 圹 ?
?圹 A long though worthy opinion by e... ;) 圹 ?
?圹 圹 ?
?圹 圹 ?
?圹 圹 ?
?圹? ? ? 捋??
?圹? 掭 哕苓 掭 圹??
?圹圯 圯 哕 掭 苓 捋 捋圹 ?
?哌? 薏 掭 鄄 捋 薏 哌??
膊 ?? 苒圹圹?咣圹厕圹蒇圹圹 苒圹圹? ?? 膊
北 ? 咿? 圹圹槽圹圮咣圯圹圹捋圻苒圹鄄圹圹 掭? ? 北
鞍 ? 曹 捋圻 咣圹圮圯圹鄄捋苒圹圻 咣圯 懿 ? 鞍
? 苘苘圹圮? 圹圮 苒圹圹圹 圹 圹圹圹圮 苒圹 苘苒圮苘? ?
圹?苒圹脖郯圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圮掭苒圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹辈圹圮 苒?
哌圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹?哌圹圹圹圹圹哌 槽圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圻?
咣圹圹策? 圹? 哌圹哌 槽? 哌槽圹圹?
薏? 苒? 捋? 卟?
? 咣策 卟圻 ?
掭 掭
? ?
掭 哕苓 掭
圯 哕 掭 苓 捋
薏 掭 鄄 捋 薏
苒圹圹?咣圹厕圹蒇圹圹 苒圹圹?
掭 圹圹槽圹圮咣圯圹圹捋圻苒圹鄄圹圹 掭
曹 捋圻 咣圹圮圯圹鄄捋苒圹圻 咣圯 懿
苘苘圹圮? 圹圮 苒圹圹圹 圹 圹圹圹圮 苒圹 苘苒圮苘?
圹?哌圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹?哌圹圹圹圹圹哌 槽圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圻?咣?
? 咣圹圹策? 圹? 哌圹哌 槽? 哌槽圹圹? ?
鞍 ? 薏? 苒? 捋? 卟? ? 鞍
北 ? 咣策 卟圻 ? 北
膊 ? 苻? 掭? ? 膊
? ? ? ? ? ?
? 苘? WANTED 苘? ?
?圹圯 捋圹 ?
?圹? 圹??
?圹? 捋??
?圹 圹 ?
?圹 We're currently looking for dedicated rippers. 圹 ?
?圹 圹 ?
?圹 (.us, .de, .es, .fr, .it, .pl, .uk, .ru, ....) 圹 ?
?圹 圹 ?
?圹 圹 ?
?圹 圹 ?
?圹 圹 ?
?圹 圹 ?
?圹? ? ? 捋??
?圹? 掭 哕苓 掭 圹??
?圹圯 圯 哕 掭 苓 捋 捋圹 ?
?哌? 薏 掭 鄄 捋 薏 哌??
膊 ?? 苒圹圹?咣圹厕圹蒇圹圹 苒圹圹? ?? 膊
北 ? 咿? 圹圹槽圹圮咣圯圹圹捋圻苒圹鄄圹圹 掭? ? 北
鞍 ? 曹 捋圻 咣圹圮圯圹鄄捋苒圹圻 咣圯 懿 ? 鞍
? 苘苘圹圮? 圹圮 苒圹圹圹 圹 圹圹圹圮 苒圹 苘苒圮苘? ?
圹?苒圹脖郯圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圮掭苒圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹辈圹圮 苒?
哌圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹?哌圹圹圹圹圹哌 槽圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圻?
咣圹圹策? 圹? 哌圹哌 槽? 哌槽圹圹?
薏? 苒? 捋? 卟?
? 咣策 卟圻 ?
掭 掭
? ?
掭 哕苓 掭
圯 哕 掭 苓 捋
薏 掭 鄄 捋 薏
苒圹圹?咣圹厕圹蒇圹圹 苒圹圹?
掭 圹圹槽圹圮咣圯圹圹捋圻苒圹鄄圹圹 掭
曹 捋圻 咣圹圮圯圹鄄捋苒圹圻 咣圯 懿
苘苘圹圮? 圹圮 苒圹圹圹 圹 圹圹圹圮 苒圹 苘苒圮苘?
圹?哌圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹?哌圹圹圹圹圹哌 槽圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圻?咣?
? 咣圹圹策? 圹? 哌圹哌 槽? 哌槽圹圹? ?
鞍 ? 薏? 苒? 捋? 卟? ? 鞍
北 ? 咣策 卟圻 ? 北
膊 ? 苻? 掭? ? 膊
? ? ? ? ? ?
?圹圯 捋圹 ?
?圹? 圹??
?圹? 捋??
?圹 圹 ?
?圹 圹 ?
?圹 圹 ?
?圹 圹 ?
?圹 圹 ?
?圹 圹 ?
?圹 圹 ?
?圹 圹 ?
?圹? ? ? 捋??
?圹? 掭 哕苓 掭 圹??
?圹圯 圯 哕 掭 苓 捋 捋圹 ?
?哌? 薏 掭 鄄 捋 薏 哌??
膊 ?? 苒圹圹?咣圹厕圹蒇圹圹 苒圹圹? ?? 膊
北 ? 咿? 圹圹槽圹圮咣圯圹圹捋圻苒圹鄄圹圹 掭? ? 北
鞍 ? 曹 捋圻 咣圹圮圯圹鄄捋苒圹圻 咣圯 懿 ? 鞍
? 苘苘圹圮? 圹圮 苒圹圹圹 圹 圹圹圹圮 苒圹 苘苒圮苘? ?
圹?苒圹脖郯圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圮掭苒圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹辈圹圮 苒?
哌圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹?哌圹圹圹圹圹哌 槽圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圻?
咣圹圹策? 圹? 哌圹哌 槽? 哌槽圹圹?
薏? 苒? 捋? 卟?
? 咣策 卟圻 ?
掭 ascii proudly done by elle 掭
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