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;' (_,-: _,:: .| Pumpkinhead.4.Blood.Feud.2007.STV.DVDRiP.XviD-iNTiMiD
; ( , ) _,':::' ,; Release Date: 2007.10.01 Runtime: 95min 03sec
; )-,;' `:' .:: DVD Date: 2007.10.02 Rating: 4.0/10 (128 votes)
| `' ; `:::\ Theater Date: (STV)
: ,' ' `:\ Genre: Horror
;: ' _,-': .' `-. Language: English
';::..,' ' , ` ,__ `.
`;'' / ; _;_,-' `. Video: 871 kbps xvid Packed: 49x15mb
/ _;--. \ Audio: 145 kbps vbr mp3 Subs: English, Chinese, French
,' / ,' `. \ Resolution: 624x336 (13:7) Japanese, Portuguese, Spanish
/: (_( ,' \ ) Thai
/:. \_( /-. .:::,;/
(::.. `-'\ "`""' Plot Outline: Although the blood feud between the
;::::. \ __ Hatfields and the McCoys has been raging for
,::::::. .:' ) ,-' ) decades, it's about to come to a grisly end. When
/ `;:::::::'`__,:.:::' /`---' ,' Jodie Hatfield falls in love with Ricky McCoy, her
; `""""' ( \:::' / _,-' two brothers' brutal attempt to break their
; \ \:' ,';:.,-' engagement leads to the accidental death of Ricky's
( : )\ ( kid sister instead. Ignoring the ghostly warnings
`. \ \ ; of Ed Harley himself (Lance Henriksen, PUMPKINHEAD,
`-.___ : ,\ \ ( ALIEN vs. PREDATOR), Ricky calls upon Pumpkinhead-
,','._::::| \ \ \ \ - the legendary demon of vengeance--to avenge his
(,(,---;;;;; \ \|;;;) kin by wiping out the Hatfields for good. As the
`._\_\ carnage commences and Pumpkinhead slaughters any
and all who get in its way, one thing remains
certain: if Hatfield is ever to marry a McCoy, it
will be over their dead bodies.
Amy Manson ..............Jodie Hatfield
Bradley Taylor ..........Ricky McCoy
Claire Lams .............Dolly Hatfield
Rob Freeman .............Sheriff Dallas Pope
Ovidiu Niculescu ........Bobby Joe Hatfield
Peter Barnes ............Papa McCoy
Lance Henriksen .........Ed Harley
Elvin Dandel ............Tristan McCoy
Richard Durden ..........Old Man Hatfield
Alin Constantinescu .....Emmett Hatfield
Razvan Oprea ............Brett Hatfield
Rudy Rosenfeld ..........Abner Hatfield
Lynne Verrall ...........Haggis
Calin Puia ..............Tommy Hatfield
Elias Ferkin ............Billy Bob Hatfield
Directed by:
Michael Hurst
Release Notes:
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