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Type.................: MOVIE
Year.................: 2007
File Format..........: AVI
Codec................: Xvid
Resolution...........: 640x336
AR...................: 1.90:1
Video Bitrate........: 1038 kb/s
Audio................: MP3
Subtitles............: n/a
Audio Bitrate........: 128 kb/s (64/ch, stereo) CBR
Source...............: R1 RETAIL DVD5
Genre................: Horror / Thriller
IMDb Rating..........: n/a
Info Link............: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0914372/
Trailer..............: http://www.toxicshock.tv/news/20 ... ound-movie-trailer/
Duration.............: 1:23:07
Description..........: After she becomes stranded in a small town, a young woman discovers her arrival there was foretold a century earlier by the town's founding preacher and that she is an integral part of his impending - and terrifying - rebirth.
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