? 哕 哕
哕 哕 sCr/sAc! 苒? ? 苒?
鄄 鄄 懿圻 苒? 苓 苘圻??
圻 苒? ? 膊槽 膊? 槽 苒圹?苒?
?苒圹 咣圮? 卟圹?咣圮 咣 膊圹 槽?
苒圹鄄 哕 槽圹? 咣圹?圹圮 ? 咣圹苘 哌 苘
哕 槽圹? 鄄 咣圹圹? 佰圮哌 槽圹圮 咣圹鄄膊圹圻 苓
圹 槽圹?苓 ?圹圹槽鼙圹鄄苘圹圹苘苘苘苘??圹圹哌哌?? 圹
苒? ?圹圹哌 懿 槽圹? 槽圹曹咣圹鄄 槽圹 葸? ?咣?
苒圮圹?苘圹圹 槽苓圮 圹圹? 苒圹? 圹圹??哕苘 ?圹圹 ?膊圹圹圹圹苒圮
懿槽圹?苓 圹圹?圹圹圹 槽圹圮咣圹鄄 懿圹圹 圹?圹圹?圹圹圻 哌圹圹圹圹圹鄄曹
卟槽?槽 圹圹?圹圹圹 槽圹? 槽圹圻 圹圹?圹?圹圹膊圹鄄 苒 哕?哌圹咣圹膊?
卟?咣 槽圹?哕圹鄄 圹圹圮苘圹圹 槽圹?咣?槽圹曹圹鄄 槽? 圹圮 圻圹策
哕 哕圹圹? 卟 ?咣圹圻 槽圹圻 槽圹圹? 圹圹?圹圹 ? 佰圹? 苓
咣圹? ?蒈圹圻 圹圻 ?圹圹? ? 圹圹曹槽圹 ? 臂圹?
苒圹圹? 苒圹? 苒圻 咣圹圹 圹圹?槽圹 槽圹?哕
苘圹圻?卟圹苒圹? 膊? ?苒圹圮 圹圹?圹圹 圹圹? 鄄
膊圹? ?卟圹? 咣? 槽圻 咣鄄苘圹圹??咣圹? 槽圹? 圻
咣圮 ? 圮 咣鄄? 槽 哌哌 哌圹圹?苒 咣圹?圹圹圮?
咣鄄 鄄?圹膊 苓? ? 懿槽?苒? 咣圹苒圹?
哌哌 圹?圹膊 ?槽圹 咣? 咣圹?
苓 苒?苒圹? ? 咣鄄 咣? 苒? 哕
槽 ? 咣? - V i T E - 咣圮 ? 槽 鄄
咣? 咣? 鄄? ? 哕 苒?
苒膊 鄄 苒? 膊圮
苒圹? 苓 Proudly Presents: 槽 咣圹?
苒圹圮苘苘苘苓 ? ? 哕 ? ? 哕苘苘苘苒圹圮
槽圹? 咣策 卟? 卟? 卟圻 槽圹?
槽圹? 苓 License to Wed (2007) 哕 圹圹?
圹圹? 槽圹?
槽圹? Ripper......: Team ViTE Genre.........: Comedy / Romanc 圹圹?
槽圹? Video Codec.: XViD Runtime.......: 1:31:21 槽圹?
圹圹? Video Format: 2Pass 895 Kb/s Rating [IMDb].: 5.1/10 (3,449) 槽圹?
圹圹? Audio Codec.: MP3 Disks.........: 49 * 15MB / 1CD 圹圹?
圹圹? Audio Format: ABR 120 Kb/s avg DVD Release...: 30/10/2007 圹圹?
圹圹? Aspect Ratio: 1:2.35 DivX Release..: 16/10/2007 圹圹?
? ? Frame Size..: 640 X 272 US Theatre Rel: 08/07/2007 ? ?
哌哌? 哌哌?
圻哌?苘苘苘 ?苘苘苘苘苘苘苘苘苘苘苘苘苘苘苘苘苘苘苘苘苘苘苘苘 ?苘苘?圻哌?
哌哌? 咣圮 咣 ? ? 圻 苒圻 哌哌?
哌哌? 圹曹 ? ? 懿圹 哌哌?
苒鄄膊哕 R E L E A S E . I N F O 苓膊槽圮
苘圹圹膊? ? ? 卟槽圹圮?
懿槽圹圻? 哌圹圹膊?
膊槽圹? 咣圹膊?
卟圹? Cast: Robin Williams, Mandy Moore, John Krasinski, ... 圹鄄?
圹咣圹? 苒圹咣?
槽圹? ?IMDb url: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0762114/ ? 苒圹?
槽圹? 槽圹?
圹圹? Plot: 槽圹?
圹圹? 槽圹?
圹圹? A reverend (Williams) puts an engaged couple (Moore and 槽圹?
圹圹? Krasinski) through a grueling marriage preparation course to 槽圹?
圹圹? see if they are meant to be married in his church. 槽圹?
圹圹? 槽圹?
圹圹? 槽圹?
圹圹? Notes: 槽圹?
圹圹? 槽圹?
圹圹? English, French and Spanish subs included. Enjoy. 槽圹?
槽圹? 槽圹?
槽圹? 圹圹?
咣圹 圹圻
? 哌? 苘苓 ? 苓?
咣苘 ? 懿??苘圻咣苘 苓咣? ? 苓 哕 ?
苓 咣圮? 懿曹 ? 膊? 鄄脖? 圹?苘苘苘苘苒圮苘苘苒圮苘苘苘苘苘苘苘??
槽 鄄膊?哌 哌圮苒哌 ? 苒? 咣曹 咣 圻 咣?
咣 圹策 哕 哌圮 苘鄄? V i T E ? ?? 圹?
哕苒圻 哌哌? N E W S 苒??
圹圹圮 圹 ?
苓圹圹?哕 ViTE, one of the oldest groups in divx scene, living on the 咣苘
?圹鄄?苒?verge of encoding technologies, we were one of the first 圹?
哕卟膊圹? pregroups to adopt SBC, as well as bring you rips using the 苒?
鄄苓?? XViD codecs. Our constant development and innovation brings 圹
苒??? us to require new talents. If you are interested in joining 咣?
槽 懿? a group that knows what they are doing, contact us. We'd be 鄄
哕 圹 especially interested in you if: 鄄
圹 - you can supply pre store retail DVD movies (from factory, 鄄
圹 distributor, wholesale, etc) 鄄
哕 圹 - you get regular DVD screeners 鄄
哕 圹 - you get academy DVD screeners early, and you have 鄄
哕 圹 60kb/s upload 鄄
哕 圹 - you think you can provide us with something of exceptional 鄄
哕 圹 talent? 鄄
哕 圹 And please, don't email us asking for missing disks, or 鄄
哕 圹 tutorials for ripping/playing our releases, because we won't 鄄
哕 圹 reply! If you want the movie so bad and can't find it, buy the 鄄
哕 圹 dvd, just the way we did. 苒圻
?咣? 槽?
苒卟 鄄? C O N T A C T 咣?
槽 ? 鄄? V i T E 鄄
咣圮?苒圻 苓
咣咣 Or you can try at least. 苓 ?
?鄄 槽 懿?
苓 哕 ?
苒 圮
槽? 圹?
咣圮苘 苘圹圹苘 苒圻
哌咣圹苘? 苘苒圹哌 哌圹曹 ? 苘圹哌
哌咣圹圹圻哌 ?圹膊 Ascii by Scour of ??圮苒圻?
咣圻 Superior Art Creations ?哕
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