"Legs to die for" is what your customers will get with this
high-intensity leg workout. TaeBo鈥檚 Ultimate Lower Body works the
quads, calves and feet to create the legs you鈥檝e always wanted.
Strong legs not only look good, but also are essential for strength
and atmina in any workout regimen. Ultimate Upper Body: Forearms,
biceps, triceps, shoulders, chest - all these muscle groups are
included in TaeBo鈥檚 Ultimate Upper Body. This workout targets each
individual muscle, with a variety of different workouts. This video
is geared to tone and tighten the complete upper body with an
all-in-one workout , so that you need nothing else.
Legs to die for is what your customers will get with this
high-intensity leg workout. TaeBo's Ultimate Lower Body works the
quads, calves and feet to create the legs you've always wanted.
Strong legs not only look good, but also are essential for strength
and atmina in any workout regimen. Ultimate Upper Body: Forearms,
biceps, triceps, shoulders, chest - all these muscle groups are
included in TaeBo's Ultimate Upper Body. This workout targets each
individual muscle, with a variety of different workouts. This video
is geared to tone and tighten the complete upper body with an
all-in-one workout , so that you need nothing else.
Extras include the ~5 minute workouts:
Taebo Ultimate Abs
Taebo Ultimate Butt
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Big thanks to klen who has done great work for us!!!