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Type.................: MOVIE
Year.................: 2006
File Format..........: AVI
Codec................: Xvid
Resolution...........: 576x320
AR...................: 1.80:1
Video Bitrate........: 1000 kb/s
Audio................: MP3
Subtitles............: n/a
Audio Bitrate........: 128 kb/s (64/ch, stereo) CBR
Source...............: R1 RETAIL DVD5
Genre................: Action / Drama / Family / Sport
Info Link............: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0910993/
Duration.............: 1:25:57
Description..........: Family man and martial arts champion Andre Lima's fighting days ended with his wife's death. The past nine years Andre has struggled to rebuild his world around his two children. When his daughter's health suddenly fails, his finances collapse. Returning to the ring to save her life, Andre finds himself in a fight to save his own.
Street Date: January 08, 2008
TFE delivers another early release.... cause we can
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