圹鄄臂圹脖佰舶郾鞍佰臂槽佰郾圹佰臂槽哌哌哌斑 甙? 哌? 鄄圹圻哌
佰? 圹 The.Final.Winter.2007.LIMITED.DVDRIP.XVID-FRAY
佰? 氨槽脖? 卑 败苘哌郾? 曹咣脖败苘哌? 氨? 氨槽氨? 氨
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郾佰 掭 掭掭 哌哕苘 掭避懿哌? 稗荼 掭
稗荼? 掭 郯? 鄄郯 鞍 佰掭 掭掭 掭掭 掭? 掭掭 掭 掭? 策哌哌哌咣 掭? 郯? 郯 郾? 佰
斑哌哌策哌? 郯哌哕苘 稗蒉? 掭 掭掭 掭?掭? 佰? 郯卑 哌哕郯? 圹? 郯? 郾佰? 郾?苘苓? 掭 掭掭 掭掭 掭掭? 掭 稗圹策? 掭 臂 郾臂 郯? 圹? 掭 稗? 掭 稗荼佰脖? 掭掭 稗? 苘掭 稗? 掭佰 边哌哌哌卟? 郯? 郯
圮辈郯陛 捋 坜? 斑鄄哌鄄圹弑 掭掭 稗? 安佰圹草? 捋? 捋? 佰卑 薏佰 郯? 佰 鞍
舶辈鄄草 薨? 鄄曹苘 掭? 郾草 掭掭 苘苓哌 槽膊圹? 圹草 捋卑鄄鄄圮? 薏佰? 佰辈苘槽槽 边甙辈鄄 鄄槽 郯郯槽圹氨 郾拜 掭辈圹槽? 稗? 脖圹苘苓哌?圹脖莅 捋鄄圻哌 甙 斑 哌咣膊? 郯
郯佰脖槽圹圻咿槽? 鄄圹 圹哌?圹哌圹 圹哌圹 圹苘圹 郯圯 策哌哌? 槽舶鄄北安槽 圹陛 掭槽 槽哌?槽哌圮 圹哌鄄 苘苒? 哌哌鄄? 臂圹槽氨槽圹 薇圹 圹圮苘 氨 苘郯边圮懿 捋氨
哌哌哌? 鄄圯 鞍 苘苒哌鄄卑 稗鄄臂脖圮槽郯
膊鄄佰圹脖佰舶郾?稗安曹脖膊辈草 斑哌哌甙?甙? 哌? 槽槽臂佰氨鄄
圹圹圻哌 鄄佰膊郯臂鄄 氨哌圹槽槽佰莅
鄄圻 捋郯安槽圻哌 哌哕?臂? 槽哌? 氨
佰 圹
圹 The.Final.Winter.2007.LIMITED.DVDRIP.XVID-FRAY
圹 Our Release Date : 13th February 2008 (GMT TIME)
圹 Title : The Final Winter
圹 Type : DVDRIP
圹 Genre : Drama
圹 Year : 2007
圹 US Theatre Date : 25th April 2007
圹 AU Theatre Date : 24th June/6th September 2007
圹 Imdb : http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0938303/
圹 Rating : 6.2 / 10
圹 Video Source : PAL DVD
圹 Audio Source : AC3 2.0
圹 Video Format : XVID
圹 Video Bit Rate : 904 kbps average
圹 Resolution : 640x352
圹 Frame Rate : 25 fps
圹 Aspect Ratio : 16:9
圹 Subtitles : none
圹 Audio Format : mp3
圹 Audio Bitrate : 161 kbps vbr
圹 Sampling rate : 48 KHz
圹 Channel(s) : 2 channels
圹 Language : English
圹 Number Of CD's : 1
圹 CD1 RAR Files : 49
圹 Movie Run Time : 1hr 30mn 52s
圹 Plot Summary : As the winds of change sweep across the rugby league
圹 landscape, Grub Henderson (Matt Nable) defiantly
圹 stands among all others as the embodiment of those
圹 before him. Foreign codes of business are tearing at
圹 the fabric of loyalty that exists between Grub's club
圹 and family. He collides head-on with an administration
圹 eager to bury him, and battles against his brother and
圹 coach's betrayal. At home his wife is troubled by the
圹 transformation of the man she married, and his children
圹 are left wanting for their father. In a bid to cling to
圹 his self-worth, Grub bitterly swallows his pride and
圹 bargains for his future. As the game that provides him
圹 an identity crumbles, he finds acceptance in the man he
圹 could be. The cast features Matt Nable, Matthew Johns,
圹 Nathaniel Dean ('Candy', 'Walking on Water'),
圹 John Jarratt ('Wolf Creek'), Raelee Hill, Michelle
圹 Langstone, Conrad Coleby and Kate Mulvany.
膊鄄佰圹脖佰舶郾鞍鞍? 败苘苘苘苘苘 苘 苘 圹圹圻哌
臂?圹 limited movie, great aussie flick. watch and enjoy y'all.
膊鄄佰圹脖佰舶郾鞍鞍? 败苘苘苘苘苘 苘 苘 圹圹圻哌
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臂?鄄圮 苘? mRmiSta 苘?圹圹圮苘 苘?苘?苘?苘? 掭 苘?苘?苘? 膊鄄佰圹圹舶圹鄄卑鄄圹鄄 圮? 圮? 圮? 苘苘馨茌苘 苘哌哌苓
槽舶鄄北安槽 圹陛 郯懿茌懿? 掭 曹? 哌哌鄄? 臂圹槽氨槽圹 薇圹 圮? 苘? 氨咣苘? 捋氨
哌哌哌? 鄄圯 鞍 苘苒哌鄄卑 270607 稗鄄臂脖圮槽郯
稗安曹脖膊辈草 斑哌哌甙?甙? 哌? 槽槽臂佰氨鄄
鄄佰膊郯臂鄄 氨哌圹槽槽佰莅
捋郯安槽圻哌 哌哕? 槽策? 氨
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