哌 苘 苒
咣? ! ! ! 2 0 0 8 ! ! ! 苒?
苓 圹 苒?苒
苒? 捋? 圻 苒圹
捋? 苒圯 苒圹圹
圹圯 苘圹圻苘? 圹圹圹郯
捋圹? 苒圹圻苒? 苘? 蒇圹圹圹?
圹苓圹圹苻圹圹圹? 苘苒? 苘 圹圹圹鄄
圹鄄槽圹圹圹圻哕苒圹圹? 苘哌 蒇圹圹圹?
圹圹圹圹圹鄄膊圹圹圹?苒圹 蒇圹圹圹圻?
哌咣圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹蒉圹? 苘 哌 蒇圹圹圹圻?
圹苘 咣圹膊哌哌咣圹圹懿圯 苒? 苘 蒇圹圹圹?
圹圹? 苘? 卟圹圹圹?苒? 苘哌 蒇圹圹圹?
圹鄄 苘圹圯 咣圹圹圹苒圹膊苒圻 苘 哌 掭 槽圹圹圹
圹坜 卟圹圹 哌 苘 哌咣圹圹圹圹圮苘哌? 圮 咣圹圹?
圹坜 圹鄄 哌圮?哌膊圻哌? 咣苘 捋圮 咣圹?
圹坜 圹郾 槽圮? 捃槽圹苘 哌圹圮苘 圹圹? 苒苒莶咣圹苘 卟
圹? 圹郯 臂圻 懿捋圹策圹圮 咣圮 哌圹圮 圹圹 苘圹鄄捋蒇?咣圹圮?
圹坜 圹? 斑 苒圹捋圹? 圹圹苓圹 圹圹懿圹 蒇圹鞭圯圹咣膊圹圹圹苘
圹? 圹郯 苘苒圹捋圹? 捋圹圹圹 捋圹圹圹 蒇圹稗圯圻 圹圹圹苓圹圹圮
圹圯 圹?苒圹卟圹郯圹坜 捋圹卟圹 捋圹圹圹 蒇圹 苘苘苒圹圹鄄?咣圹圹?
咣圹? 圹坜圹圯 臂圹臂圹捃苒圻 捋圹拜鞍捋圹圹圹 槽圹咣圹坜 圹圹圹陛 咣圹圹
ns.哌咣苒圹圹? 佰圹槽圹?卟? 捋圹陛 捋圹圹圹 蒇圹 圹圹?圹圹圹拜 捋圹圹
圹苘 槽圹圹? 圹圻圹坜 捋圮捋圹草 圹圹卟圹 蒇圹 圹圹?圹圹圹 圹圹圯
圻咣膊 圹圹圹圮圻哌 圹圹 圹鄄圹圻 苒圹?圹圹 蒇圹 圹圹?圹圹圹拜 掭 捋圹圹
捋?圹鄄策?苘 咣圹?哕圹圹卟圹圻? 捋圹 蒇圹 圹圹?圹圹圹 捋 圹圹?
稗圹 圹圮苓? 咣圯 咣圹圻? 茌 圹圯 蒇圹 圹圹圮圻槽圹 莅稗?捋圹圹
鞭圹咣圹? 苘圮 卟 咣圯 ?苒圹圮 咣圮咣圹咣圹圹?哌圹圻? 薏 捋圹圹
厕圹咣? 苒圹鄄槽? 咣? 咣 圹圮 咣圹圹哌哌 哌圮 薨 圹圹圯
坜圹 苒圹哌 捱圹圮 草 哌苘 咣圹圹? 咣膊 苒苘 圹圹圻
坜槽 鞍 圹?苘 哌? 咣圹苓圮 哌 咣圹圹? 槽圹圹膊 苒圹圻
坜圹 薏苒? 捋圹圹槽圮? 鞍 膊圹咣圹圹苘圹圹圹圹哌 苘圹哌
坜槽? 捋? 圹圹圯圹圹圹圹苘苒圯咣圮 哌圹圹圹圻?苘圻哌 鞍
厕臂圹圮苒圯 捋圹?揶鄄咣圹圻圹圹? 哌苘 哌 苘 哌 苘苘膊
鞭?咣圹策圹 苒哌 咣? 哌圮?哌哕? 哌 苘苒圹圹圹圹
稗 哌?哕 苘 哌 哕 哌? 苘 哌? 咣圹圹?
圯 薨 哕 哌 槽圹?
圹苻 哕 圹圹
策圹? 薏膊 YARDVID PRESENTS ::: : 捋 圹?
捱咣苘 圹圹?
哌? 掭
title : Ziggy Marley Love Is My Religion Live
source : DVD NTSC
DVD retail release : Feb 12, 2008
language : English
subtitles : None
release : Retail
genre : Reggae Roots
label : Tugg Gong Worldwide
cat-nr : TGW0002
format : XviD
imdb Rating : NR
imdb weblink : http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0005187/
website : <A href="http://www.ziggymarley.com" target=_blank>www.ziggymarley.com
ripped by : YARDVID SQUAD
audio : Dolby Digital 5.1 (6ch AC3 Bitrate, 448kbs)
video : 2Pass CCE, bitrate 1251kbs
frame Rate : 29.97fps
aspect ratio : 4:3 FULL FRAME
resolution : 576 x 432
disksize : cd1 - 49 X 15mb / cd2 - 49 x 15mb
archives : yv-religion-xvid.*
runtime : 118 min
荥 ?
苒? 苘 哌 哌 苘 捋?
槽圮 哕? 苘哌 哌苘 苘? 苒鄄
葸圹圮?咣圮 苒圻 咣圮 苒圻 苘圹圻?
圮 哌圹膊槽圮草 : :::[ R E L E A S E I N F O ]::: : 薏苒圹膊圹哌 苒
坜 哌苘 哌咣圹圹? 苒圹圹哌? 苘哌 蒇
坜 哌 苘 哌咣苘 苘圻哌 苘 哌 蒇
坜 哌哌 苘? 苘?哌哌 蒇
坜 蒇
坜 蒇
坜 H3XDVD beat us on the MDVDR rip unfortunately but big 蒇
坜 up to them! Keeping the good hip hop and other vibes 蒇
坜 pumpin! Good Works! 蒇
坜 蒇
坜 蒇
坜 蒇
坜 ----------- 蒇
坜 <A href="http://www.TUFFGONGWORLDWIDE.COM" target=_blank>www.TUFFGONGWORLDWIDE.COM 蒇
坜 蒇
坜 This Jampacked Quality DVD Features Songs From The 蒇
坜 Grammy-Award Winning Reggae Album Of The Year 蒇
坜 "Love Is My Religion" which Ziggy has also recently 蒇
坜 re-released with three extra bonus tracks. 蒇
坜 蒇
坜 蒇
坜 Venue: 蒇
坜 Los Angeles, CA @ the Avalon 12/8/2006 蒇
坜 蒇
坜 Tracks: 蒇
坜 01. Make Some Music 蒇
坜 02. Justice 蒇
坜 03. Rastaman Vibration 蒇
坜 04. Be Free 蒇
坜 05. Tumblin' Down 蒇
坜 06. Concrete Jungle 蒇
坜 07. Still The Storms 蒇
坜 08. Lee and Molly 蒇
坜 09. A Lifetime 蒇
坜 10. Is This Love 蒇
坜 11. Tomorrow People 蒇
坜 12. Looking 蒇
坜 13. True To Myself 蒇
坜 14. Jammin' 蒇
坜 15. Look Who's Dancin' 蒇
坜 16. Dragonfly 蒇
坜 17. Into The Groove 蒇
坜 18. No More Trouble 蒇
坜 19. Love Is My Religion 蒇
坜 蒇
坜 蒇
坜 --------- 蒇
坜 The Tuff Gong Story...In 1965, decades before artist 蒇
坜 owned record labels became commonplace, an unknown 蒇
坜 singer/ songwriter named Bob Marley started his own 蒇
坜 label Tuff Gong, a name by which he was also known. 蒇
坜 In those struggling days Bob and his wife Rita would 蒇
坜 sleep in a small room given to them by Rita's aunt 蒇
坜 Viola which served as their record shop by day and 蒇
坜 their home at night. Endeavoring to get their music 蒇
坜 heard Bob and Rita could be seen throughout Kingston 蒇
坜 riding their bicycles while carrying their records on 蒇
坜 their heads as they went from shop to shop selling 蒇
坜 their music. Such inde-pendent vision was unheard of 蒇
坜 in Jamaica back in the mid 60's and was a sign of 蒇
坜 greater things to come for the young Tuff Gong..... 蒇
坜 蒇
坜 蒇
坜 蒇
坜 ------------- 蒇
坜 Reggae icon Ziggy Marley releases a full-length live 蒇
坜 concert DVD on Feb 12, 2008. The Love Is My Religion 蒇
坜 DVD, produced by Live Nation Studios, was taped live 蒇
坜 at Los Angeles Avalon Theatre in December 2006. The 蒇
坜 most extensive worldwide tour of his career that 蒇
坜 wrapped in December 2007, the Avalon show and the 蒇
坜 entire LIMR World Tour was heralded as some of 蒇
坜 Marleys finest work ever. 蒇
坜 蒇
坜 Ziggy appears in rare form throughout the DVD's 19 蒇
坜 tracks and nearly two hours of live footage. With his 蒇
坜 voice and his band honed to precision after months on 蒇
坜 the road, from the United States and abroad, the live 蒇
坜 DVD captures the tours momentum in support of the 蒇
坜 Grammy Award-winning album. During the 18 month tour, 蒇
坜 Marley visited over one hundred and sixty cities across 蒇
坜 the globe and was honored to be the first Reggae artist 蒇
坜 to perform in Mainland China. 蒇
坜 蒇
坜 Featuring selections from his solo arsenal, as well as 蒇
坜 Melody Maker hits and a few of his fathers classics, 蒇
坜 Ziggy delivers the show of a lifetime. Cinematography 蒇
坜 and production were given the utmost attention, 蒇
坜 resulting in vivid imagery combined with stunning sound. 蒇
坜 Viewers of the DVD will enjoy a front row seat to the 蒇
坜 extravaganza as captured by an eight camera production 蒇
坜 taped in widescreen with Dolby Digital 5.1 Audio. 蒇
坜 蒇
坜 Ziggy Marley remains true to the independent nature 蒇
坜 instilled in him by his legendary father, establishing 蒇
坜 himself in recent years as a solo artist and producing 蒇
坜 his first independently-released projects on the Tuff 蒇
坜 Gong Worldwide label. 蒇
坜 蒇
坜 He recently announced the re-release of the Love Is 蒇
坜 My Religion album on December 4, 2007 which includes 蒇
坜 live bonus recordings of Jammin, Dragonfly, and Look 蒇
坜 Whos Dancin from the Avalon show. In a unique 蒇
坜 independent distribution deal, Marley eschews the 蒇
坜 traditional record industry formula, instead penning 蒇
坜 a distribution deal between Tuff Gong Worldwide and 蒇
坜 RYKO Distribution. 蒇
坜 蒇
坜 Tuff Gong was first founded in 1965 by Bob Marley, 蒇
坜 with the vision of producing, distributing, and 蒇
坜 promoting his music free from the constraints of 蒇
坜 corporate label politics. In a time decades before 蒇
坜 artist-owned record labels were commonplace, Marleys 蒇
坜 vision was characteristically well ahead of its time. 蒇
坜 Ziggy is realizing his fathers dreams. 蒇
坜 蒇
坜 蒇
坜 --------------------------- 蒇
坜 Born in Trenchtown, Jamaica, Ziggy Marley was surrounded 蒇
坜 by the sights and sounds of the Jamaican recording 蒇
坜 industry from a very young age. First accompanying his 蒇
坜 father in the studio at a tender age, he soon joined with 蒇
坜 his siblings to form The Melody Makers. The act enjoyed 蒇
坜 two decades of successful touring and recording, netting 蒇
坜 three Grammy Awards and worldwide renown. Ziggy has 蒇
坜 contributed to a variety of soundtracks including 50 蒇
坜 First Dates, Dora the Explorer, the PBS childrens show 蒇
坜 Arthur, and Sharks Tale, in which he delved into acting 蒇
坜 for the first time, playing the character of Bernie, the 蒇
坜 Jamaican jellyfish. In addition to his skills as a singer, 蒇
坜 songwriter and producer, Ziggy founded U.R.G.E. (Unlimited 蒇
坜 Resources Giving Enlightenment), a non-profit organization 蒇
坜 that benefits a wide range of charitable childrens causes 蒇
坜 in Jamaica, Ethiopia and other developing nations. More 蒇
坜 recently he has lent his support to both the Youth AIDS 蒇
坜 and H&Ms Fashion Against Aids campaigns. 蒇
坜 蒇
坜 蒇
坜 蒇
坜拜 苘苘 哌? 哌?苘苘 薨蒇
坜陛 苘 哌 苘苒哌 哌圮苘 哌 苘 薇蒇
坜槽苓? 苘苒圹圹? 咣圹圹苘? 哌苒草?
坜圻 苘圹膊槽圻草 : :::[ G R E E T I N G S ]::: : 薏咣圹膊圹苘 咣蒇
坜蒈圹圻?苒圻 咣圮 苒圻 咣圮 哌圹圮掭?
坜槽圻 苓? 哌苘 苘哌 哌? 咣鄄蒇
坜咣? 哌 苘 苘 哌 捋咻?
坜 唼 ? 蒇
坜 蒇
坜 Big Props Goes Out to all these fine Music Video groups 蒇
坜 蒇
坜 THE UVZ mVz mVi rHViD mVa PmV mV4U uva NaWaK hhV 蒇
坜 蒇
坜 Keeping The Scene Alive and Prosperous!!! 蒇
坜 蒇
坜 苘? 苘? 蒇
坜 苒圹圹圹苘 苘圹圹圹圮 蒇
坜捋圹圹圻圹苓哕 苘 哌 哌 苘 苓哕圹咣圹圹圯蒇
坜圻 哌鄄槽圮 苘圻? 哌圮? 苒鄄槽哌 咣蒇
坜? 咣苓圹苒圻 咣圮圹哕圻 掭?
坜 哌苓圹? : :::[ G R O U P I N F O ]::: : 捋圻苓? 蒇
坜 ?圹? 苒圯? 蒇
坜 咣圹苘 苘圹圻 蒇
坜 哌圮策哕苘 苘苓卟苒哌 蒇
坜 哌苘 哌 哌 苘哌 蒇
坜 哌 哌 蒇
坜 郯 佰 蒇
厕 莶
厕 YARDVID is the movie section of YARD mp3. 莶
厕 We are more than dedicated to lifting up carribean 莶
厕 style video in the community!! Providing you the finest 莶
厕 in Cultural based movies and music videos. 莶
厕 莶
厕 莶
厕 YARDVID specializes in the following: 莶
厕 莶
厕 莶
厕 -Music Video- 莶
厕 莶
厕 genre : Soca, Zouk, Calypso, Chutney, Ska, 莶
厕 Dance Hall, all types of Reggae; 莶
厕 (Dub,Roots,Steppers,Rockers,Jungle Ragga), 莶
厕 African drumming, etc.. 莶
厕 type : Live, Video Clips, Documentaries, etc.. 莶
厕 Different language formats also accepted. 莶
厕 fr, sp, de, gr, it, jp, br and so on.. 莶
厕 source : DVD/VHS or TV (promo/pre-retail or retail) 莶
厕 莶
厕 莶
厕 莶
厕 莶
厕 YARDVID is curently Looking for the following: 莶
厕 莶
厕 莶
厕 -All Year Supplies from above mentioned genres 莶
厕 -1GBiT+/100MBiT+ AFFiL SiTES ASiA/EURO 莶
厕 -Dedicated MViD Rippers. Serious About The Reggae 莶
厕 Movement APPLY! 莶
鞭 佰? 佰?荼
稗 郾 08' CONTACT EMAIL. <A href="mailto:yardvid@jamaica-netlink.com">yardvid@jamaica-netlink.com 臂 莅
佰? WWW : N/A 槽?
圯 臂圯 IRC : N/A 捋郾 捋
唼?槽圹? 苒圹?荥?
咣?哌圹苘 苘圹哌 圹?
哕 咣圮 鞍 苒圻 苓
咣? 圹?
捋? 鞍 捋?
哕 草 草 北 薏 薏 苓
捋苓? 陛 苘苓哌?膊 哌哌苘? 薇 圻苒?
圹圹 佰 苘苒圻? 圹 哌圹苘? 郯 圹圹
圹圹 圮苒圹哌? 圹 哌咣圹苘? 圹圹
槽圹咣圹圻? 哕?圹 苘? 哌圹圹咣圹?
臂圹圹? 苘哌 咣圹圻 哌苘 咣圹圹?
佰圹? 苒? 捋圯 咣? 咣圹?
圹 苒?.nfo by ansichrist 圹 of remorse1981... 咣? 圹
圯 苒圯 膊 捋圮 捋
圹鄄? 北 薏圹?
圻圹郾 鞍 臂圹咣
苘 圹圹郯 佰圹圹 苘
哌苘咣圹? : :::[ YARDVID 2oo3 - 2oo8 ]::: : 圹圹哕苓?
咣圹圹 圹圹圻
咣圹 鞍 圹圻
圹 圹
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