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? Perfect.Hideout.2008.DVDRip.XviD-SVD ?
? ?
?? ??
??RELEASE......[ ??
??RLS. DATE....[ 27/03/08 ??
??DVD.STORE....[ 2008 ??
??SOURCE.......[ DVD ??
?? ??
??ORiGiNAL ??
??TiTLE......[ Perfect Hideout ??
??YEAR.......[ 2008 ??
??GENRE......[ Action Thriller ??
??COUNTRY....[ Germany ??
??DiRECTOR...[ Stephen Manuel ??
??CAST.......[ Billy Zane, Cristian Solime- ??
?? no, Melinda Y. Cohen, Ken Bo- ??
?? nes, Scarlett Sabet ??
?? ??
??ViDEO.CODEC...[ XviD ??
??ViDEO.BiTRATE.[ 943 kb/s ??
??AUDiO.BiTRATE.[ Mp3 128kbs VBR ??
?? ??
??RESOLUTiON..[ 592x336 ??
??A/R.........[ 1.762:1 ??
??FPS.........[ 25.000 ??
??RUNTiME.....[ 90 ??
??LANGUAGE....[ English ??
??SUBS........[ NONE ??
??SiZE........[ 1CD ??
?? ??
?? ??
??LiNK: ??
?? ??
?? ??
?赱PLOT]屯屯屯屯屯屯屯屯屯屯屯屯屯屯屯屯屯屯屯涂 ?
?? ??
?? ??
?? It is the day their new life is supposed ??
?? to begin. Nick (29) and Celia (27) want t- ??
?? o take off for the US. Where Nick抯 is fr- ??
?? om. And where Nick抯 friend is already wa- ??
?? iting to greet them. Their new life is a - ??
?? dream they share. Their relationship is s- ??
?? till young, but both of them are hauling - ??
?? personal baggage that they want to leave - ??
?? behind. For Celia, it is the trauma of a - ??
?? miscarriage. he lost her child ?which wa- ??
?? s not Nick抯 ?in an accident. For Nick, - ??
?? it is his sometimes shady business dealin- ??
?? gs, which he has given up for Celia抯 sake.??
?? ??
?? ??
?? ??
?? ??
?? ??
?? ??
?? ??
?? ??
?? ??
?? ??
?? No notes here! ??
?? ??
?? ??
?? ??
?? ??
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