; ( , ) _,':::' ,; Release Date: 2008.05.10 Runtime: 91min 04sec
; )-,;' `:' .:: DVD Date: 2008.05.13 Rating: 6.3/10 (6 votes)
| `' ; `:::\ Theater Date: (STV)
: ,' ' `:\ Genre: Action
;: ' _,-': .' `-. Language: English
';::..,' ' , ` ,__ `.
`;'' / ; _;_,-' `. Video: 911 kbps xvid Packed: 50x15mb
/ _;--. \ Audio: 151 kbps vbr mp3 Subs: English, Spanish
,' / ,' `. \ Resolution: 624x256 (2.44:1)
/: (_( ,' \ )
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(::.. `-'\ "`""' Plot Summary: In a city where image is everything,
;::::. \ __ winning means even more. An underground fight
,::::::. .:' ) ,-' ) tournament is held to separate the legends from the
/ `;:::::::'`__,:.:::' /`---' ,' losers. When vengeance is taken outside the
; `""""' ( \:::' / _,-' boundaries of the contest, the tournament's two
; \ \:' ,';:.,-' most revered veterans are called in for a city
( : )\ ( shakedown. To rule these streets, you will have to
`. \ \ ; fight to win, or lose by death.
`-.___ : ,\ \ (
,','._::::| \ \ \ \ http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0814381/
(,(,---;;;;; \ \|;;;)
`._\_\ Cast:
Dianna Agron ............Dyanna
Alma Agundiz ............Exotic Dancer #2
Samantha Alarcon ........Skyler
Christian Boeving .......Rex
Vanessa Castro ..........Warren's Girlfriend #2
Shaun Charney ...........Rex's Fighter #3
Fernando Chien ..........Lin
Jasper Cole .............Cyrus
Alexander Conte .........Warren's Guard #1
Daz Crawford ............Mick
Monica Lynn Engelhardt ..Exotic Dancer #4
Rob Evergreen ...........Ring Fighter
Paul Green ..............Martin
Sam Hargrave ............Cage Fighter #1
Robert Hooven ...........Elevator Victim
Rickie Jacobs ...........Cage Fighter #2
Freddy James ............Tournament Fighter #4
Erika Jordan ............Exotic Dancer #1
Joel King ...............Warren
Lemar Knight ............Mouse
Mike Kroll ..............Fight Club Fan
Laura Lagercrantz .......Warren's Girlfriend #1
David LaVera ............Rex's Fighter #4
Jason LeGrande ..........Police Clerk
Andre McCoy .............Zendo
Jennifer O'Brien ........Exotic Dancer #3
Anthony Ray Parker ......Slim
Josh Paugh ..............Tournament Fighter #3
Jabari Pride ............Tournament Fighter #2
Courtney Rice ...........Swan
Vlad Rimburg ............Rex's Fighter #1
Kristen Noel Ross .......VIP Fight Club Member
Vishnu Seesahai .........Vicious
Mark Stanton ............Tournament Fighter #1
Michael Su ..............Rex's Fighter #2
Giovanni Ucciferri ......Warren's Guard #2
Edwin Villa .............Vesto
Heidi Marie Wanser ......Herrera
Ron Ware ................Rex's Trainer
Arron Yohe-Mellor .......Jack
Directed by:
Declan Mulvey
Release Notes: ONE RULE: WIN OR DIE.
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