薏膊 ?YARDVID PRESENTS ::: : 捋 圹?
捱咣苘 ? 圹圹?
哌? 掭
? 莅
title : Rent A Rasta
source : DVD NTSC
DVD retail release : February 13, 2007
disk type : DVD-5
release : Retail
language : English
Director : J. Michael Seyfert
subtitles : None
genre : Docu / Art-Culture / Exploitation / Controversy
label : Passion River
cat-nr : B000MKYK2W
format : XVID
imdb Rating : NR
imdb weblink : n/a
website : www.rent-a-rasta.com
ripped by : YARDVID SQUAD
audio : Mp3, Bitrate 114kbs
video : CCE 2Pass, Bitrate 2060kbs
frame Rate : 29.97fps
aspect ratio : WIDE SCREEN
resolution : 576 x 320
disksize : 49 X 15mb
archives : yv-rentarasta-xvid.*
runtime : 45 min
荥 ? ? ?
苒? ? 苘 哌 哌 苘 ? 捋?
槽圮 哕? 苘哌 哌苘 苘? 苒鄄
葸圹圮?咣圮 苒圻 咣圮 苒圻 苘圹圻?
圮 哌圹膊槽圮草 : :::[ R E L E A S E I N F O ]::: : 薏苒圹膊圹哌 苒
?坜 哌苘 哌咣圹圹? 苒圹圹哌? 苘哌 蒇 ?
?坜 哌 苘 哌咣苘 苘圻哌 苘 哌 蒇 ?
?坜 ? 哌哌 苘? 苘?哌哌 ? 蒇 ?
?坜 ? ? 蒇 ?
?坜 蒇 ?
?坜 An etraordinary glimpse into a paradise 蒇 ?
?坜 laced with cultural misunderstanding 蒇 ?
?坜 and socioeconomic inequities. 蒇 ?
?坜 蒇 ?
?坜 蒇 ?
?坜 蒇 ?
?坜 蒇 ?
?坜 ----------- 蒇 ?
?坜 Every year over 80,000 middle-aged women flock to 蒇 ?
?坜 Jamaica in search of the "big bamboo" a practice 蒇 ?
?坜 called Rent a Rasta. I`m not naive, I`ve been 蒇 ?
?坜 around the block. I come for sex, of course the sun, 蒇 ?
?坜 but mostly the sex? (Karen, 45, from Chicago) But who 蒇 ?
?坜 are the real Rastafari and how do they feel about 蒇 ?
?坜 being marketed everything Jamaican? 蒇 ?
?坜 蒇 ?
?坜 蒇 ?
?坜 Full Film Soundrack included in features. 蒇 ?
?坜 蒇 ?
?坜 蒇 ?
?坜 蒇 ?
?坜 蒇 ?
?坜 蒇 ?
?坜 蒇 ?
?坜 F I L M - R E V I E W 蒇 ?
?坜 蒇 ?
?坜 蒇 ?
?坜 蒇 ?
?坜 蒇 ?
?坜 NEW DOCUMENTARY WITH A TWIST | 45 min. wide screen, 蒇 ?
?坜 digital dolby surround sound 蒇 ?
?坜 蒇 ?
?坜 Sex Tourism, a product of slavery, is not new to the Caribbean 蒇 ?
?坜 蒇 ?
?坜 蒇 ?
?坜 Three flights are due into Montego Bay, one from Toronto, one 蒇 ?
?坜 from Fort Lauderdale, the other from London. When white women 蒇 ?
?坜 flock to Jamaica for a little fun in the sun, the R&R they're 蒇 ?
?坜 often looking for is not "Rest and Relaxation" but to "Rent a 蒇 ?
?坜 Rasta" according to director J. Michael Seyfert. His eye- 蒇 ?
?坜 opening expose' of the same name sheds light on a barely 蒇 ?
?坜 acknowledged form of sex tourism, namely, white women who 蒇 ?
?坜 visit the Caribbean Islands to get their groove back with the 蒇 ?
?坜 help of black locals. This documentary claims that, each year, 蒇 ?
?坜 as many as 80,000 females from a variety of relatively-wealthy 蒇 ?
?坜 Western nations descend on Jamaica alone. 蒇 ?
?坜 蒇 ?
?坜 ********* 蒇 ?
?坜 蒇 ?
?坜 Most of those inclined to indulge their Island Fever with 蒇 ?
?坜 wanton abandon are apparently middle-aged and/or overweight 蒇 ?
?坜 spinsters. Ignored by white men, and afraid to date blacks 蒇 ?
?坜 openly due to the social taboo, they look for satisfaction at 蒇 ?
?坜 remote resorts amidst the anonymity offered by a virtual 蒇 ?
?坜 paradise. These decadent dames safely lure their boy toys with 蒇 ?
?坜 money, electronic gadgets, designer clothes, baubles, or 蒇 ?
?坜 whatever material item it takes to get uncomplicated sexual 蒇 ?
?坜 favors in return along with the strict understanding that like 蒇 ?
?坜 in Las Vegas, "What happens in Jamaica, stays in Jamaica." As 蒇 ?
?坜 one satisfied customer, a 45 year-old spinster from the Midwest 蒇 ?
?坜 explains her addiction to her hedonistic getaway, "A girl who 蒇 ?
?坜 no one looks at twice gets hit on all the time here. All these 蒇 ?
?坜 guys are paying her attention, telling her she's really 蒇 ?
?坜 beautiful, and they really want her. It is like a secret, a 蒇 ?
?坜 fantasy, and then you go home." While this glimpse of the lucky 蒇 ?
?坜 ladies' rationale for their no-strings liaisons is certainly 蒇 ?
?坜 informative, the picture is actually far more interesting when 蒇 ?
?坜 chronicling the history of Jamaica, winding its way from the 蒇 ?
?坜 slave days through the rise of the Rastafari to the present. 蒇 ?
?坜 Framed from this perspective, we suddenly see a persistent 蒇 ?
?坜 pattern of utter subjugation and economic inequality, with 蒇 ?
?坜 islanders providing stud service only being the latest form of 蒇 ?
?坜 exploitation. 蒇 ?
?坜 蒇 ?
?坜 ********* 蒇 ?
?坜 蒇 ?
?坜 蒇 ?
?坜 Perhaps most telling is the desperate summation of a suffering 蒇 ?
?坜 black woman seen begging for an end to the Jamaican people's 蒇 ?
?坜 neverending cycle of poverty. She wants, "the white world to 蒇 ?
?坜 come give us our deliverance, because it was them who take us 蒇 ?
?坜 out of our land and carry us here." Viewed in this light, Rent 蒇 ?
?坜 a Rasta is a clarion call which establishes that sex tourism is 蒇 ?
?坜 not merely the harmless indulgence of horny white women gone 蒇 ?
?坜 wild, but a burgeoning trend which continues to wreak havoc on 蒇 ?
?坜 a Caribbean culture and family structure already in crisis. 蒇 ?
?坜 蒇 ?
?坜 [Very good 3 stars] 蒇 ?
?坜 ? ?蒇 ?
?坜 蒇 ?
?坜 ? ? ? ?蒇 ?
?坜拜 ? 苘苘 哌? 哌?苘苘 ? 薨蒇 ?
?坜陛 苘 哌 苘苒哌 哌圮苘 哌 苘 薇蒇 ?
?坜槽苓? 苘苒圹圹? 咣圹圹苘? 哌苒草??
?坜圻 苘圹膊槽圻草 : :::[ G R E E T I N G S ]::: : 薏咣圹膊圹苘 咣蒇 ?
?坜蒈圹圻?苒圻 咣圮 苒圻 咣圮 哌圹圮掭??
?坜槽圻 苓? 哌苘 苘哌 哌? 咣鄄蒇 ?
?坜咣? ? 哌 苘 苘 哌 ? 捋咻??
?坜 唼 ? ? ? 蒇 ?
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