? 捋圹?揶鄄咣圹圻圹圹? 哌苘 哌 苘 哌 苘苘膊
?鞭?咣圹策圹 ? 苒哌 ?咣? 哌圮?哌哕? 哌 苘苒圹圹圹圹
?稗 哌?哕 苘 哌 哕 哌? ? 苘 哌? 咣圹圹?
圯 薨 哕 ? ? ? ? ? ? 哌 ?? 槽圹?
圹苻 ? ? 哕 圹圹
策圹? 薏膊 ?YARDVID PRESENTS ::: : 捋 圹?
捱咣苘 ? 圹圹?
哌? 掭
? 莅
title : Made In Jamaica
source : DVD PAL
production year : 2006
theatrical release : July 13, 2007
dvd retail date : January 31, 2008
language : English
subtitles : French
release : Retail
genre : Film, Music, Reggae
label : Lawrence Pictures
cat-nr : n/a
format : XviD
imdb Rating : User Rating: 6.5/10 (35 votes)
imdb weblink : http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0841128/
website : www.madeinjamaicamovie.com
ripped by : YARDVID SQUAD
audio : Dolby Digital 5.1 (6ch AC3 Bitrate, 448kbs)
video : 2Pass CCE, bitrate 2162kbs
frame Rate : 25.00fps
aspect ratio : 16x9 WIDE FRAME
resolution : 576 x 336
disksize : cd1 - 49 X 15mb / cd2 - 49 x 15mb
archives : yv-jamaica-xvid1.* / yv-jamaica-xvid2.*
runtime : 118 min
荥 ? ? ?
苒? ? 苘 哌 哌 苘 ? 捋?
槽圮 哕? 苘哌 哌苘 苘? 苒鄄
葸圹圮?咣圮 苒圻 咣圮 苒圻 苘圹圻?
圮 哌圹膊槽圮草 : :::[ R E L E A S E I N F O ]::: : 薏苒圹膊圹哌 苒
?坜 哌苘 哌咣圹圹? 苒圹圹哌? 苘哌 蒇 ?
?坜 哌 苘 哌咣苘 苘圻哌 苘 哌 蒇 ?
?坜 ? 哌哌 苘? 苘?哌哌 ? 蒇 ?
?坜 ? ? 蒇 ?
?坜 蒇 ?
?坜 link: 蒇 ?
?坜 www.amazon.fr/Made-Jamaica-Compilation/dp/B0010VXPAA/ 蒇 ?
?坜 ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&s=dvd&qid=1210621877&sr=8-1 蒇 ?
?坜 蒇 ?
?坜 Description 蒇 ?
?坜 ----------- 蒇 ?
?坜 蒇 ?
?坜 French writer-director Jerome Laperrousaz's documentary 蒇 ?
?坜 Made in Jamaica opens with the tragic yet all-too- 蒇 ?
?坜 familiar murder of a reggae superstar - Bogle - and his 蒇 ?
?坜 celebrity-studded funeral, attended by multiple 蒇 ?
?坜 generations of Jamaican musicians. The film then 蒇 ?
?坜 springboards into a broad and enormously ambitious, 蒇 ?
?坜 loosely-knit exploration of the reggae subculture in all 蒇 ?
?坜 of its facets. Laperrousaz intercuts original interviews 蒇 ?
?坜 and live concert footage (often filmed on the shores and 蒇 ?
?坜 streets of Kingston, where reggae was born) with such 蒇 ?
?坜 giants as Third World, Gregory Isaacs (who pays tribute 蒇 ?
?坜 to Bogle), Bunny Wailer, Toots, Beres Hammond and 蒇 ?
?坜 Capleton. The discussions frequently trace and highlight 蒇 ?
?坜 the performers' various influences (from the awareness 蒇 ?
?坜 of centuries-old Jamaican enslavement to on-the-spot 蒇 ?
?坜 enjoyment of the sounds and rhythms); the performances 蒇 ?
?坜 exude these sources in every note. Throughout, 蒇 ?
?坜 Lapperousaz and the featured performers repeatedly define 蒇 ?
?坜 reggae by cutting straight to its emotional core, and pay 蒇 ?
?坜 unbridled tribute to the culture and nation that produced 蒇 ?
?坜 it. 蒇 ?
?坜 蒇 ?
?坜 蒇 ?
?坜 蒇 ?
?坜 蒇 ?
?坜 ----------------- 蒇 ?
?坜 Washington Post 蒇 ?
?坜 蒇 ?
?坜 Welcome to Jamrock: 'Made in Jamaica' 蒇 ?
?坜 WHEN "MADE IN JAMAICA" made its D.C. premiere at last fall's 蒇 ?
?坜 French film festival, C'est Chic!, the theater was so packed 蒇 ?
?坜 that people sat on the floors in the small E Street Cinema. 蒇 ?
?坜 蒇 ?
?坜 There will be considerably more places to park your fanny 蒇 ?
?坜 when "Made in Jamaica" screens on Friday at 6:30 p.m. in the 蒇 ?
?坜 1,237-seat Lincoln Theatre as part of Filmfest D.C. (It will 蒇 ?
?坜 also show May 3 at the smaller Regal Cinemas Gallery Place.) 蒇 ?
?坜 蒇 ?
?坜 The lushly filmed two-hour documentary on the music and 蒇 ?
?坜 politics of Jamaica is perhaps the best-looking movie ever 蒇 ?
?坜 made about the island, the city of Kingston and its socio- 蒇 ?
?坜 sonic cultures. 蒇 ?
?坜 蒇 ?
?坜 "It cost more than $5 million, and it was completely shot in 蒇 ?
?坜 HD," said D.C.-based producer Charlotte Lawrence, who will be 蒇 ?
?坜 at Friday's screening. "And the director, Jerome Laperrousaz, 蒇 ?
?坜 is a maniac for aesthetics ?he only likes beautiful things, 蒇 ?
?坜 even with his women." 蒇 ?
?坜 蒇 ?
?坜 蒇 ?
?坜 蒇 ?
?坜 The film captures 20 artists in performance and conversation 蒇 ?
?坜 both high in the mountains and deep in the ghettos from reggae 蒇 ?
?坜 legends such as Bunny Wailer, Toots & The Maytals and Gregory 蒇 ?
?坜 Isaacs to modern dancehall stars like Capleton, Elephant Man 蒇 ?
?坜 and Vybz Kartel. 蒇 ?
?坜 蒇 ?
?坜 "Everything was shot live; the only lip-synched performance 蒇 ?
?坜 was when Bunny was singing 'I Shot the Sheriff,'" Lawrence 蒇 ?
?坜 said. "That's why it cost so much money: We always had to move 蒇 ?
?坜 around all the [equipment] to tape all the music." 蒇 ?
?坜 蒇 ?
?坜 The musical performances make up the rhythm of the movie and 蒇 ?
?坜 provide most of those beautiful aesthetic pleasures that 蒇 ?
?坜 Laperrousaz captures so well but Lawrence agreed that it's the 蒇 ?
?坜 personal stories of some of the more experienced artists that 蒇 ?
?坜 provide the film's most memorable moments. 蒇 ?
?坜 蒇 ?
?坜 蒇 ?
?坜 "What I really like is the second half of the film," she said. 蒇 ?
?坜 "A few moments are extremely powerful, [as] when [Third 蒇 ?
?坜 World's] Cat Coore is playing with his son, Shiah Coore. This 蒇 ?
?坜 is a music that they ... invented while they were being shot 蒇 ?
?坜 by Jerome. [Cat's] giving a lesson to his son about the beauty 蒇 ?
?坜 of music as a way to get above all the social problems and the 蒇 ?
?坜 daily life problems with music. And I love that philosophy. 蒇 ?
?坜 蒇 ?
?坜 "There are some moments that I really love with Toots 蒇 ?
?坜 [Hibbert]," Lawrence added, such as "when Toots is relating 蒇 ?
?坜 how he ended up in the music business when he wanted to be 蒇 ?
?坜 a barber." 蒇 ?
?坜 蒇 ?
?坜 It may seem strange that a French production company would 蒇 ?
?坜 take such time and expense to create this love letter to 蒇 ?
?坜 Jamaica, but Laperrousaz has had a long affair with the island 蒇 ?
?坜 and its people. In 1980, he did his first documentary, which 蒇 ?
?坜 was about roots-reggae vets Third World, but there's also a 蒇 ?
?坜 more personal reason for his attachment. 蒇 ?
?坜 蒇 ?
?坜 "Jerome's mother remarried a Jamaican," Lawrence said, "so 蒇 ?
?坜 that's why Jerome has always been very close to Jamaica." 蒇 ?
?坜 蒇 ?
?坜 And France is also in tune with the music of Jamaica. Along 蒇 ?
?坜 with Germany, England, Italy and Japan, some of the greatest 蒇 ?
?坜 audiences for the sounds of Jamrock are in France. 蒇 ?
?坜 蒇 ?
?坜 "The film was released theatrically in France last June and 蒇 ?
?坜 it was a great success," Lawrence said, recalling that it 蒇 ?
?坜 even equaled the per-screen average of "Shrek the Third" 蒇 ?
?坜 during a three-week period. The film also came out on DVD in 蒇 ?
?坜 France, and the soundtrack was released on CD. 蒇 ?
?坜 蒇 ?
?坜 蒇 ?
?坜 But "Made in Jamaica" hasn't had such an open-arms reception 蒇 ?
?坜 in the U.S.: Lawrence Pictures has shopped the film here, but 蒇 ?
?坜 so far there have been no takers for a theatrical release. 蒇 ?
?坜 蒇 ?
?坜 "What I think is that the lobby in Hollywood is not made up of 蒇 ?
?坜 people who like reggae or don't like reggae enough to take the 蒇 ?
?坜 risk to market the film," Lawrence said. "But it's not just 蒇 ?
?坜 about reggae; it about social issues. ... Maybe the screenings 蒇 ?
?坜 in Washington, D.C., will bring [some attention] to the film." 蒇 ?
?坜 蒇 ?
?坜 But because "Made in Jamaica" is more than just a music 蒇 ?
?坜 documentary, it's actually caused some uncomfortable ripples 蒇 ?
?坜 within Jamdown's ruling body. 蒇 ?
?坜 蒇 ?
?坜 "The Jamaican government didnt really like our film," Lawrence 蒇 ?
?坜 said. "When Bunny Wailer is discussing problems in Jamaica, 蒇 ?
?坜 he said the ones who should be blamed are the politicians 蒇 ?
?坜 because they're letting the guns into Jamaica. ... Most of the 蒇 ?
?坜 artists are condemning the state." 蒇 ?
?坜 蒇 ?
?坜 But at least if the Embassy of Jamaica wants to send a rep to 蒇 ?
?坜 check out the film on Friday, there'll be plenty of seats. 蒇 ?
?坜 ? ?蒇 ?
?坜 蒇 ?
?坜 ? ? ? ?蒇 ?
?坜拜 ? 苘苘 哌? 哌?苘苘 ? 薨蒇 ?
?坜陛 苘 哌 苘苒哌 哌圮苘 哌 苘 薇蒇 ?
?坜槽苓? 苘苒圹圹? 咣圹圹苘? 哌苒草??
?坜圻 苘圹膊槽圻草 : :::[ G R E E T I N G S ]::: : 薏咣圹膊圹苘 咣蒇 ?
?坜蒈圹圻?苒圻 咣圮 苒圻 咣圮 哌圹圮掭??
?坜槽圻 苓? 哌苘 苘哌 哌? 咣鄄蒇 ?
?坜咣? ? 哌 苘 苘 哌 ? 捋咻??
?坜 唼 ? ? ? 蒇 ?
?坜 蒇 ?
?坜 Big Props Goes Out to all these fine Music Video groups 蒇 ?
?坜 蒇 ?
?坜 THE UVZ mVz mVi rHViD mVa PmV mV4U uva NaWaK hhV 蒇
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