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;' (_,-: _,:: .| Circadian.Rhythm.2005.STV.DVDRiP.XviD-iNTiMiD
; ( , ) _,':::' ,; Release Date: 2008.05.19 Runtime: 80min 17sec
; )-,;' `:' .:: DVD Date: 2008.05.20 Rating: 4.7/10 (11 votes)
| `' ; `:::\ Theater Date: (STV)
: ,' ' `:\ Genre: Action, Sci-Fi, Thriller
;: ' _,-': .' `-. Language: English
';::..,' ' , ` ,__ `.
`;'' / ; _;_,-' `. Video: 1051 kbps xvid Packed: 50x15mb
/ _;--. \ Audio: 155 kbps vbr mp3 Subs:
,' / ,' `. \ Resolution: 640x352 (1.82:1)
/: (_( ,' \ )
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(::.. `-'\ "`""' Plot Summary: Sarah L. Caul (Rachel Miner) is 24
;::::. \ __ years old, attractive, skilled in martial arts and
,::::::. .:' ) ,-' ) hyper-intelligent. The only problem is that she has
/ `;:::::::'`__,:.:::' /`---' ,' no idea who she is, where she is from or how in the
; `""""' ( \:::' / _,-' world she wound up in a white infinity room, in the
; \ \:' ,';:.,-' middle of nowhere. Caught in a mind-bending web of
( : )\ ( high-tech murder and espionage, she soon realizes
`. \ \ ; that what she holds could expose the U.S.
`-.___ : ,\ \ ( Governments darkest secrets, and that the assassins
,','._::::| \ \ \ \ that pursue her will do everything they can to make
(,(,---;;;;; \ \|;;;) sure those secrets die with her. Can she find the
`._\_\ truth before it's too late, or will the visions of
a past she never knew ultimately destroy her?
Rachel Miner ............Sarah
Robert Berson ...........Prometheus
Seymour Cassel ..........Hoover
Sarah Wynter ............Eva
Adam Ambruso ............Brooks Brother #2
David Anders ............Garrison
Jonathan Banks ..........Trejo
Sigal Diamant ...........Attractive Homeless Woman
Drama ...................Albino
Lisa Jay ................Waifish Girl
Aiden Cree Lafreniere ...Young Sara
Terasa Livingstone ......Sandrine
Rick Martins ............Guard
Jason Nesmith ...........Brooks Brother #1
Shira Scott .............Woman #2
Directed by:
Release Notes: They erased her past,
now she's fighting for a future.
The fighting scenes may be a little choppy because
the movie is 23.976, but most of the fighting
scenes are 29.97. There is more movie then fighting
scenes, hence why I choose to leave it at 23.976.
,'`'', ,''`',
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' ' '
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