? 苒圹圹圹圹圹圹鄄? 安圹圹圹圹圹圹圹苓?
? 苒圻鞍鞍鞍咣圹圻? Antonio guerriero di Dio (2006) 斑圹圹甙鞍鞍斑圹苓
苒甙佰圹圹圹圹圯 捋圹圹圹圹郯斑圮
捋莅圹圹圹圹圻圹?Video Codec....: XviD-1.1.2 佰圮圹圹圹圹郯捋?
捋佰圹圹斑佰圹郯 Video Bitrate..: 821 kbps 佰圹郯甙圹圹郯圯
捋莅圹圻 ?咣圹? Audio Codec....: MP3 VBR Stereo 捋圹??咣圹稗圯
佰郯圹氨槽脖佰? Audio Bitrate..: 123 kbps 佰氨槽脖佰郯圹?
佰莅圹??苒圹? Aspect Ratio...: 2.35:1 捋圹??苒郯捋?
苒佰圹败佰圹郯 Resolution.....: 640 x 272 佰圹郯馨圹郯圮
捋莅圹圹圹圹圹? Frame Rate.....: 25.000 fps 圹圹圹圹圹郯捋?
圹佰圹圹圹圹圹? Genre..........: Biography 圹圹圹圹圹圹佰?
捋莅圹圹圮哕圹圹 Runtime........: 98 mins 圹圹苓苒圹咣稗圯
捋佰圹圹圹圹圹圹 RAR Count......: 50x15 圹圹圹圹圹圹郯圯
捋佰圹圹圹圹苒郯 Audio Language.: Italian 佰圮圹圹圹圹郯圯
咣圹圻苓圹圹圹? Subtitles......: English 捋圹圹圹圹圹圹?
槽圹圹圹圹圯 DVD Date.......: 06.10.2008 捋圹圻苓圹鄄
?安圹圹圹圹郯 Release Date...: 07.11.2008 佰圹圹圹圹舶 ?
安圹圹圹圹圯 Theater Date...: 03.26.2006 捋圹圹圹圹舶
?安圹圹苒圹? IMDB Rating....: 6.0/10 (30 votes) 佰圹苒圹鄄??
? 安圹圮圹郯 佰圹圮圹舶 ?
? 斑圹圹? ? ? 圹圹圹??
? 苘佰圹郯苘苘苘 圹哕 圹 圹哌 哌 圹 ?圹哌 圹咣 苘苘苘佰圹郯苘 ?
佰圹圹圹圹卟鞍 圹 ?圹 圹苘 圹 圹蒇 圹? 圹 ? 鞍策圹圹圹圹郯
馨圹鄄卟圹圹圮苘 圹哕 圹?苘圹 圹 圹捋 圹 圹苒 苘苒圹圹策槽圹败
捋郾策 哌? ?苘苘苘苘苘苘苘苘苘苘苘苘苘苘苘苘苘?? 哌? 卟臂圯
鄄? 卟?
? http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0488820 ?
? ?
? http://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B0016MLIKW/ ?
? ?
? 苘苘苘苘苘? 苘苘苘苘苘? ?
? 捋圹圹圹圹圹圻哌 ?圹咣 圹 圹咣 咣圻 ?哌咣圹圹圹圹圹圯 ?
? 咣圹膊脖卑舶败苘 圹哌 圹?圹苒 圹 苘馨安氨辈膊圹圻 ?
? 哌哌哌哌哌 苘苘苘苘苘苘苘苘苘苘? 哌哌哌哌哌 ?
? ?
? The life of Anthony of Padua (?1191-1231) from his ?
? arrival on Sicily's shores via shipwreck in 1221 to his ?
? death. He's a Portuguese monk who, once in Italy, seeks ?
? out St. Francis. His gift as a great preacher is ?
? discovered by happenstance. He spends much of his life in ?
? and near Padua, a city run by usurers. Anthony offers ?
? protection and friendship to Folco, at one time a petty ?
? criminal and acolyte for the usurers, later falsely ?
? accused of murder. Anthony's strength of character and ?
? his teaching lead to changes in the character of Padua ?
? and the end of usury. He became its patron Saint soon ?
? after his death, and 32 years later, his casket is opened ?
? and his tongue is still intact. ?
? ?
? 苘苘苘苘苘? 苘苘苘苘苘? ?
? 捋圹圹圹圹圹圻哌 ?圹哌 圹咣 圹哌 咣圻 ?哌咣圹圹圹圹圹圯 ?
? 咣圹鞍氨卑舶败苘 圹苘 圹咣 苘圹 圹 苘馨安氨卑鞍圹圻 ?
? 哌哌哌哌哌 苘苘苘苘苘苘苘苘苘苘? 哌哌哌哌哌 ?
? ?
? Jordi Moll?............... : ....................Antonio ?
? Paolo De Vita.............. : ......................Folco ?
? Matt Patresi............... : ...................Baldrico ?
? Andrea Ascolese............ : ....................Belludi ?
? Marta Jacopini............. : ....................Alessia ?
? Damir Todorovic............ : ....................Ronaldo ?
? Michele Melega............. : ..................Francesco ?
? Arnoldo Fo?............... : ...........Papa Gregorio IX ?
? Franco di Francescantonio.. : ....................Tebaldo ?
? Eleonora Daniele........... : ...........Madre Addolorata ?
? Giovanni Capalbo........... : ..................Aicardino ?
? ?
圮 ? ? 苒
?佰败? 圹哕 圹 圹哕 圹哕 圹哌 圹哕 圹 ?圹咣 咣圻 圹哌 圹哌 苘佰鞍?
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