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;' (_,-: _,:: .| The.Sensation.Of.Sight.2006.Limited.DVDRiP.XviD-iNTiMiD
; ( , ) _,':::' ,; Release Date: 2008.09.02 Runtime: 134min 38sec
; )-,;' `:' .:: DVD Date: 2008.09.02 Rating: 9.0/10 (103 votes)
| `' ; `:::\ Theater Date: 2007.11.09 (Limited)
: ,' ' `:\ Genre: Drama
;: ' _,-': .' `-. Language: English
';::..,' ' , ` ,__ `.
`;'' / ; _;_,-' `. Video: 1061 kbps xvid Packed: 100x15mb
/ _;--. \ Audio: 384 kbps ac3 mp3 Subs:
,' / ,' `. \ Resolution: 624x352 (1.77:1)
/: (_( ,' \ )
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(::.. `-'\ "`""' Plot Summary: In an awe-inspiring fusion of dream/
;::::. \ __ reality, this offbeat drama about man抯 search for
,::::::. .:' ) ,-' ) meaning amidst the ache of despair chronicles Finn
/ `;:::::::'`__,:.:::' /`---' ,' (Academy Award nominee David Straithairn), a middle
; `""""' ( \:::' / _,-' -aged English teacher, as he enters a midlife
; \ \:' ,';:.,-' crisis impelled by a recent tragedy.
( : )\ (
`. \ \ ; Finn sets afoot selling encyclopedias to the town
`-.___ : ,\ \ ( locals, however his anxieties begin to consume him
,','._::::| \ \ \ \ as he finds himself pursued by an unrelenting
(,(,---;;;;; \ \|;;;) ghost. Circling through sleepless nights and
`._\_\ desperate days, The Sensation of Sight intertwines
lives of loneliness and disconnection, fatefully
leading Finn toward an unexpected and sublime
David Strathairn ........Finn
Ian Somerhalder .........Drifter
Daniel Gillies ..........Dylan
Jane Adams ..............Alice
Ann Cusack ..............Deanna
Joseph Mazzello .........Tripp
Elisabeth Waterston .....Daisy
Scott Wilson ............Tucker
Lisa Bostnar ............Police Officer
Ellen Colton ............Neighbor
John Griesemer ..........Principal
Joanna Herrington .......Teacher
Cassidy Hinkle ..........Ruthie
Adam LeFevre ............Alice's Boss
Tony Swingle ............Josh
David Szehi .............Bartender
Directed by:
Aaron J. Wiederspahn
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