圹圹圹圹膊脖膊膊膊圯薏膊膊圹圹哌 捋槽圻
佰槽 哌哌? 哌哌哌哌咣圹蒉哌哌哌 鄄郯
捋圮 ? 苒圯
? 苒? 咣? ?
槽圹 Movie Name...: A Reason To Live, A Reason To Die 圹鄄
鄄? 薏?
鄄? 薏?
鄄? Source.......: Retail DVD R1 SUBS: ENG 薏?
鄄? Runtime......: 113 min [ ] 鄄?
圻槽? Rating.......: 5.9/10 苒策?
? 圹? Genre........: Western SWE 鄄? ?
掭 鄄? Subtitles....: Nordic Only [X] 薏?掭
圮鄄 Language.....: English 槽苒
捋膊 NOR 膊圯
圹? Video Codec..: XviD [X] 槽?
捋? Video Bitrate: 1624 kbps 槽?
鄄 Framerate....: 25 fps DNK 槽
鄄 Aspect Ratio.: 2.33:1 [X] 槽
鄄 ? Resolution...: 672x288 ?槽
鄄 ? FIN ?槽
鄄 ? Audio Codec..: MP3 VBR [X] ?槽
鄄 ? Audio Bitrate: 96 kbps (mono) ?槽
鄄薏 ISL 草槽
苒策 Size.........: CD1=49x15, CD2=49x15 MB [ ] 卟圮
苒咣? Release Date.: 2008/10/28 槽咣?
薏?鄄 Theater Date.: 1974/08/28 (USA) Other 槽 薏?
槽苒? Release Type.: PUBLiC [ ] 槽苒?
? 槽圹? 苒圹? ?
卟苘 卟圹圹苘苘? 苘苘苒圹鄄?苘策
捋圹圹圹哌哌 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 哌哌圹圹圹圯
?苒槽圹? 槽咣 槽哌 槽 槽哌 槽咣 槽哌 槽哌 槽 曹 ?槽哌 槽咣 苒圹槽??
卟圹圯 哌 槽哕 槽? 槽 槽? 槽咣 哌咣 槽? 苘 槽咣 槽? 槽 ?哌 捋圹策
懿圹? 哌 ?哌哌 哌哌 哌哌 哌 ?哌哌 哌哌 哌 哌 ?哌 哌哌 苒鄄?
卟圹? 苒鄄?
鄄? .:.IMDB.:. 鄄?
鄄? 鄄?
鄄? http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0069159 鄄?
鄄? 鄄?
鄄? .:.Cast.:. 鄄?
鄄? 鄄?
鄄? James Coburn ... Col. Pembroke 鄄?
鄄? Telly Savalas ... Maj. Ward 鄄?
鄄? Bud Spencer ... Eli Sampson 鄄?
鄄? Jos?Su醨ez ... Maj. Charles Ballard 鄄?
鄄? Georges G閞et ... Sgt. Spike 鄄?
鄄? Ugo Fangareggi ... Ted Wendel 鄄?
鄄? Reinhard Kolldehoff ... Sgt. Brent 鄄?
鄄? 鄄?
鄄? .:.Plot.:. 鄄?
鄄? 鄄?
苒槽? A dishonoured army officer saves the lives of 咣槽?
苒咣草 some hardened criminals on condition that they 薏圻圮
薏?鄄? help him regain his honour. 薏?薏?
槽苒草 Will they live up to his expectations? 薏圮鄄
? 槽圹? 苒圹? ?
卟苘 卟圹圹苘苘? 苘苘苒圹鄄?苘策
捋圹圹哌哌哌 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 哌哌哌圹圹圯
?苒槽圮 槽咣 槽 槽咣 槽咣 槽哌 槽咣 槽哌 曹 ?槽咣 卟圻 槽哌 槽哌 苒鄄圮 ?
卟圹圯?槽哕 苘 槽哌 槽哌 槽? 槽哕 哌咣 槽咣 槽 ? 槽 槽? 哌咣 苻圹鄄?
懿圹? 哌 ?哌 哌 哌 哌哌 哌 ?哌哌 哌 ?哌哌 哌 哌哌 哌哌 苒鄄?
卟圹? 苒鄄?
鄄? Of some strange reason this dvd was R1 but with nordic 鄄?
鄄? subs. After fiddling around with it for some time it 鄄?
鄄? showed that the only possible way of encoding this DVD 鄄?
鄄? was to restore it back to 25 fps. 鄄?
鄄? 鄄?
鄄? Enjoy! 鄄?
鄄? 鄄?
鄄? 鄄?
苒槽? 咣槽?
苒咣草 Grp now open for new exciting affils (100mbit+). 薏圻圮
薏?鄄? Contact us on iRC. 薏?薏?
槽苒草 薏圮鄄
? 槽圹? 苒圹? ?
卟苘 卟圹圹苘苘? 苘苘苒圹鄄?苘策
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