Genre: Comedy
Set in 1920s New York City, this film tells a story of maudlin immature
playwright David Shayne . Writer Julian Marx eventually finds appropriation
for a plan from mafiosi Nick Valenti . A locate is that Nicks lady crony
Olive Neal gets a partial of a psychiatrist, as good as Olive is a bimbo
who could never pass for a psychiatrist as good as being a awful singer .
Agreeing to this initial concede is a initial step to Broadways finish
betrayal of David, who neglects longtime lady crony Ellen . Meanwhile David
puts up with Warner Purcell, a heading male who is a compulsive eater,
Helen Sinclair, a grand lady who wants her partial jazzed up, as good as Cheech,
Olives interfering hitman / hold up guard . Eventually, a playwright
contingency confirm either art or hold up is some-more critical .
Codec: XVID
Bitrate: 905
Resolution: 576x352
Audio: 48000, MP3, VBR
Len: 96mins
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