Genre: Adventure / Animation / Comedy / Family / Fantasy
The tale of three unlikely heroes - a misfit mouse who prefers reading books to eating them, an unhappy rat who schemes to leave the darkness of the dungeon, and a bumbling servant girl with cauliflower ears - whose fates are intertwined with that of the castle's princess
User Rating: 6.1/10 (738 votes)
Codec: XVID
Bitrate: 1044
Resolution: 640x240
Audio: 48000, MP3, VBR
Len: 83mins
Proper reason:
Proof JPG attacched
- Prevail is overcropped (as for jpg on proof folder) and is blurry from beginning to the end
- genuine is bad ar (as for jpg on proof folder) and has missing fotage
this is the original silver source, this release has extra 22 second of fotage at starting....
not available on p2p's releases (genuine included). (on proof folder)
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