咣? ?
槽圹 Movie Name...: Altered 圹鄄
鄄? 薏?
鄄? 薏?
鄄? Source.......: Retail DVD R2 SUBS: ENG 薏?
鄄? Runtime......: 83 min [ ] 鄄?
圻槽? Rating.......: 5.9/10 苒策?
? 圹? Genre........: Horror/Sci-Fi/Thriller SWE 鄄? ?
掭 鄄? Subtitles....: Nordic [X] 薏?掭
圮鄄 Language.....: English 槽苒
捋膊 NOR 膊圯
圹? Video Codec..: XviD [X] 槽?
捋? Video Bitrate: 713 kbps 槽?
鄄 Framerate....: 25 fps DNK 槽
鄄 Aspect Ratio.: 1.81:1 [X] 槽
鄄 ? Resolution...: 640x352 ?槽
鄄 ? FIN ?槽
鄄 ? Audio Codec..: AC3 Dolby Digital [X] ?槽
鄄 ? Audio Bitrate: 448 kbps (6ch) ?槽
鄄薏 ISL 草槽
苒策 Size.........: 49x15 MB [ ] 卟圮
苒咣? Release Date.: 2009/01/09 槽咣?
薏?鄄 Theater Date.: 2006/12/19 (USA) Other 槽 薏?
槽苒? Release Type.: iNTERNAL [ ] 槽苒?
? 槽圹? 苒圹? ?
卟苘 卟圹圹苘苘? 苘苘苒圹鄄?苘策
捋圹圹圹哌哌 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 哌哌圹圹圹圯
?苒槽圹? 槽咣 槽哌 槽 槽哌 槽咣 槽哌 槽哌 槽 曹 ?槽哌 槽咣 苒圹槽??
卟圹圯 哌 槽哕 槽? 槽 槽? 槽咣 哌咣 槽? 苘 槽咣 槽? 槽 ?哌 捋圹策
懿圹? 哌 ?哌哌 哌哌 哌哌 哌 ?哌哌 哌哌 哌 哌 ?哌 哌哌 苒鄄?
卟圹? 苒鄄?
鄄? .:.IMDB.:. 鄄?
鄄? 鄄?
鄄? http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0457275 鄄?
鄄? 鄄?
鄄? .:.Cast.:. 鄄?
鄄? 鄄?
鄄? Misty Rosas ... Foki Scout 鄄?
鄄? Paul McCarthy-Boyington ... Cody 鄄?
鄄? Brad William Henke ... Duke 鄄?
鄄? Michael C. Williams ... Otis 鄄?
鄄? Adam Kaufman ... Wyatt 鄄?
鄄? 鄄?
鄄? .:.Plot.:. 鄄?
鄄? 鄄?
鄄? Fifteen years ago, five men were abducted 鄄?
鄄? by aliens. Only four returned. 鄄?
苒槽? Now, these same four men have managed to 咣槽?
苒咣草 capture one of the creatures who killed 薏圻圮
薏?鄄? their friend and ruined their lives. 薏?薏?
槽苒草 It's time for payback but payback swings 薏圮鄄
? 槽圹? both ways. 苒圹? ?
卟苘 卟圹圹苘苘? 苘苘苒圹鄄?苘策
捋圹圹哌哌哌 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 哌哌哌圹圹圯
?苒槽圮 槽咣 槽 槽咣 槽咣 槽哌 槽咣 槽哌 曹 ?槽咣 卟圻 槽哌 槽哌 苒鄄圮 ?
卟圹圯?槽哕 苘 槽哌 槽哌 槽? 槽哕 哌咣 槽咣 槽 ? 槽 槽? 哌咣 苻圹鄄?
懿圹? 哌 ?哌 哌 哌 哌哌 哌 ?哌哌 哌 ?哌哌 哌 哌哌 哌哌 苒鄄?
卟圹? 苒鄄?
鄄? Well.. since we managed to put full AC3 audio and use 鄄?
鄄? a nice resolution on this movie we release it altho it 鄄?
鄄? was reld not so long ago 鄄?
鄄? 鄄?
鄄? Enjoy! 鄄?
鄄? 鄄?
苒槽? 咣槽?
苒咣草 Grp now open for new exciting affils (100mbit+). 薏圻圮
薏?鄄? Contact us on iRC. 薏?薏?
槽苒草 薏圮鄄
? 槽圹? 苒圹? ?
卟苘 卟圹圹苘苘? 苘苘苒圹鄄?苘策
捋圹圹圹哌哌 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 哌哌圹圹圹圯
?苒槽圹? 槽哌 槽咣 槽哌 槽哌 卟圻 槽 曹 ?槽哌 槽哌 苒圹槽??
卟圹圯 哌 槽 ?槽哕 槽? 槽? 槽 苘 槽咣 槽 ?哌咣 哌 捋圹策
懿圹? 哌哌 哌 ?哌哌 哌哌 哌 哌 哌 ?哌哌 哌哌 苒鄄?
卟圹 圹策
卟圹? 咣鄄?
懿圹圯 苘 ? ? 苘 捋圹曹
?咣槽圹? 苘苘苘苘懿苘 苘曹苘苘苘苘 咣圹槽??
捋圹圹 苘苘膊圹鄄圹圹圹圹圹圹苘? 苘苒圹圹圹圹圹鄄圹鄄曹苘? 圹圹圯
懿? 鄄鄄槽圹圹哌圻?? 槽圹哌 苘苘苘苘?哌圹鄄 ?哌圻咣圹圹膊鄄? 鄄?
懿哌 懿圹圹咣?? ? 槽?苘哌 苘苘苘?哌苘 咣? ? ?咣咣圹鄄?哌曹
? 槽圹? ? ? ? 策 苓 苘哌 苘苘?哌苘 哕 卟 ? ? ? 咣圹? ?
槽咣? ? ? ? ?苓 懿圹?槽圹圹?苒鄄?哕 ? ? ? ? 槽咣?
薏?鄄 ? ? 苓 槽圹圹?槽圹?苒圹圹?哕 ? ? 槽 薏?
咣苒? ? 苓 圻圹圹圹?蒈?苒圹圹圻?哕 ? 槽苒?
咣曹 ??苘 哌圹圮 ?苒圹哌 苘 ?? 懿圻
?薏 ? ?懿 圹鄄苘 ?苘??苘槽圹 曹 ? ? 草 ?
? ? ??槽圹圹 ?? ??圹圹鄄 ?? ? ?
? ? ??槽圹圹 ?? ??圹圹鄄 ?? aylien!cro ?
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