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郾郾郾郾郾郾郾郾郾郾郾郾郾郾? INFO 郾郾郾郾郾郾郾郾郾郾郾郾郾郾?
RELEAsE DAtE...: 2009-02-28
CiNEmA DAtE....: 2009 (India)
GENre..........: Romance
SOURcE TYpE....: R1 DVD9
RuNTiMe........: 2:04:08
ReGiOn.........: NTSC
ViDeO FoRmAt...: XviD
ViDeO BiTRaTe..: 1433 kbps
ReSoLutIioN....: 624 x 256
AuDiO FoRmAt...: MP3 VBR
AuDiO BiTRaTe..: 127 kb/s
FrAmERaTe......: 23.976 FPS
ArChiVeS.......: CD1 /50 | CD2 /50
LiNK...........: N/A
RATiNG.........: N/A
Subtitles......: English
郾郾郾郾郾郾郾郾郾郾郾郾郾郾? Notes 郾郾郾郾郾郾郾郾郾郾郾郾郾郾?
Cowry has the wrong crop on the left side. There are black borders
appearing thru out the film on their rip when it should have been
cropped as the movie has no variable borders. Therefore their rip is
undercropped and we took care of the problem.
For sites which do not allow JPEG Files check the link below:
<IMG alt="" src="http://i43.tinypic.com/2u5gx9x.jpg" onload=thumbImg(this) twffan="done">
郾郾郾郾郾郾郾郾郾郾郾郾郾郾? PLOT 郾郾郾郾郾郾郾郾郾郾郾郾郾郾?
With the main storyline of the film being teenage attraction is not
love and infatuation is only one sided of it. Krish Kapoor (Kumar
Saahil) is a well known fashion photographer, who is in love with his
wife Radhika (Sneha Ullal). The duo together make up a very happy
couple. While Radhika works in a departmental store, Krish gets an
assignment to shoot in Mauritius for a magazine. For this, he shoots
on the beaches and roads of Mauritius, where Piya (Sana Khan) first
sees him and falls in love. Later on, Krish gets Karnal Batra's (Rajesh
Khanna) bungalow on rent for a few months. Knowing this makes Piya
always want to meet him and stay with him. For Piya, it is the perfect
opportunity to seduce him, while she tells her romantic angle to all
her friends in college. Her ultimate goal is that she wants to make
love with him in her dreams. However her conviction is so great that
Piya will kill everyone and anyone who will come in her way of love.
If that's not all, she will also resort to black magic to get her
love. Not much later one after another murders begin to occur in town.
And this case is given to be solved by I.G. Danda (Johnny Lever),
who is, as usual, a very funny character in the film.
Kumar Saahil - Krish Kapoor
Sneha Ullal - Radhika
Hemant Birje
Sanna Mirza - Piya
Johnny Lever - I.G. Danda
郾郾郾郾郾郾郾郾郾郾郾郾郾郾? CONTACT 郾郾郾郾郾郾郾郾郾郾郾郾郾郾?
Got anything to offer Email Us!
We are looking for....
- RETAiL DVD9 Suppliers from UK
- Dumps (10mbit+) for exclusive D3Si use
- Affils
- Anyone who can provide pre-retail dvds, screeners.
- Audio cds (UK Bhangra especially)
- Anything else to offer us
If you can help with any of the above, drop us a mail.
E-MAiL: <A href="mailto:d3si@hushmail.com">d3si@hushmail.com
郾郾郾郾郾郾郾郾郾郾郾郾郾郾? GREETZ 郾郾郾郾郾郾郾郾郾郾郾郾郾郾?
- EMERALD - XPD - ProjectX - Echelon - FanSuB - DVDR -
To All That Deserve It. <IMG alt="" src="images/smilies/default/smile.gif" border=0 twffan="done" smilieid="1">
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