苘苘苘苒苘苘苘圮苘苘苘苘苘圮苘苘苘 苘苘苘苘苘苒苘苘苘苘苘苘苘苘苘苒苘苘苘?
?苘苘 ?苘苘 ?? 苘苘? ?苘苘 ? ?? 苘苘?? ?苘苘苘? 苘苘?苘苘??
?鄄佰 ?鄄佰 苘苘 鄄佰 鄄槽 哌哌哌?苘? 鄄佰 苘 鄄佰 鄄槽 ?鄄槽 ?
? 甙??鄄? 鄄佰 哌哌 咣舶圻哌哌 鄄槽 鄄佰 鄄佰哌哌哌? 鄄佰 ?鄄佰 ?
?圮 哕 苓 苒 卟佰苘苘? 鄄佰 苘苘 鄄佰 郯佰 鄄佰 苘苘 鄄佰 鄄佰 ?
?圹? 哕 咣? 苘苘 鄄佰 鄄佰 鄄佰 哌? 鄄佰 鄄佰 鄄佰 鄄佰 鄄佰 ?
??苒 ?圮 ? 郯佰 郯佰 郯佰 郯佰 ?咣哌哌? 哌哌哌哌? 郯佰 郯佰 ?
?懿佰 ?鄄败 鄄佰 鄄佰 鄄佰 鄄佰 郯佰哕 ?苘苘苘? 鄄佰 鄄佰 ?
?鄄佰 ?鄄佰 鄄佰 鄄佰 鄄佰 鄄佰 鄄佰 圮 苘 鄄佰 鄄佰 鄄佰 ?
?鄄佰 ?鄄佰 鄄佰 鄄佰 鄄佰 鄄佰 鄄佰 鄄败 鄄佰哌哌哌? 鄄佰 鄄佰 ?
?郯佰 ?郯佰 郯佰 郯佰 郯佰 郯佰 鄄佰 鄄佰 鄄佰 苘苘 哌哌 郯佰 ?
?哌哌 ?哌哌 鄄佰 鄄佰 哌哌 鄄佰 鄄佰 鄄佰 鄄佰 鄄佰 ? ?哌哌哌 苒
哌哌哌哌哌哌咣 哌哌哌哌 ? ?哌哌哌 哌哌 哌哌 ?哌哌哌哌? 圻哌哌哌哌哌?
-XSTREEM!- 哌哌哌哌哌哌咣哌哌哌哌哌哌哌哌哌哌哌哌圻哌哌哌哌哌咣 Sjh
| |
. .
? ?
?Supplier : XSTREEM ?
?Movie type : Snowboarding ?
?Source : DVD ?
?Release Date: 2009-03-04 ?
?Aspect Ratio: 16:9 ?
?Running Time: 58:34 Min ?
?Rating : 4 of 5 ?
?URL : http://www.actionsportsvideos.com/ride5.html ?
? ?
?# of Files : 49x15MB ?
?Size : 700 MB ?
?Video Resolution : 624x336 ?
?AVG Video Bitrate : 1520 kbit ?
?AVG Audio Bitrate : 132 kbit ?
? ?
?Movie Info: ?
? ?
? From the same immaturity level that brought you snowboard videos like ?
? Sandbox, Flavor Country and Time well wasted now Andrew brings you the ?
? film called Throw your Panties. When asked why he wanted to make this ?
? film Andrew had this to say, I like watching funny people say funny ?
? things and I also like snowboarding so why over saturate one or the ?
? other. I want to mix them both together in an overflowing martini glass ?
? and drink down that concoction and call it Throw your Panties duh. With ?
? riding and other bull shit from Dustin Craven, Tobias Karlsson, ?
? Andrew Hardingham, Ryan Hall, Dwain Wiebe, Ingemar Backman and ?
? Jonas Guinn. The film follows these riders for one year through Andrew's ?
? somewhat demented and very twisted perception of snowboarding. Just look ?
? at them shoes, i mean there just sitting there so why not try those shoes ?
? on. I know you'll love the fit. This is a must have for core shops that ?
? need something new, entertaining and energy charged. It's guaranteed to ?
? make you and anyone who watches it a little bit stupider. TYP is not for ?
? little kids. ?
? ?
?Rippers note: ?
? ?
? Enjoy! ?
? ?
?Group Notes: ?
? ?
? RIP Loggo! ?
? ?
?We are currently looking for: ?
? ?
? - 100Mbit+ Affils (Europe) ?
? - Motivated Extreme Sport DVD Rippers ?
? - Money, Bitches and Adrenaline ?
? ?
?Remember Reality Beats Fiction By Far! ?
?Group Greets To: c4F - TWS - VIS - rH 潮卑
? 巢卑
? ? ??圹 圹?圹 .::XSTREEM::.圹脖?
圹[nfo by danger seeker]鄄卑
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