@\\/W\/\/W\//@ 8@8 .:>Blood.The.Last.Vampire.CAM.XviD-CAMELOT<:.
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____________________ `~"-=)=-"~` http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0806027/
|<><><> | | <><><>| |.| Resolution - 592 x 256
|<> | | <>| |N| Length - 01:23:58
|<> | | <>| |'| Bitrate - 1033 kb/s
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Yeah, it's us again, now with a movie that'll hit theaters in a
month or so. There is some japanese dialogue that is not subbed,
but he says something like "go and be a normal person" and
she says "yes", cause japanese bitches are submissive and shit.
And a note to friends - it wouldn't hurt ya to drop by once
in a while so we know you're alive, would it? ;)
Wanna supply the cause? cam-a-lot@hush.ai
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