We Rip Digital 屯? 捋圹圹圮 圹圹圹? 捋圹圹? 捋圹圹? 鄢
驰 哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪 捋圹哌哌 咣圹? 圹圹圹 圹圹圹? 鄢
驰 捋圹圹? 捋圹圹圯 鄢
驰 ____________________________ 圹圹圹 圹圹圹? 鄢
驰 Designed By Flyinsea & Miner 捋圹圹? 捋圹圹? 鄢
驰 哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪 圹圹圹 圹圹圹 鄢
驰 捋圹圹? 圹圹圹 鄢
驰 _______________________________ 圹圹圹 圹圹圹 鄢
驰 WRD DivX Group Proudly Presents 捋圹圹? 圹圹圻 鄢
驰 哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪? 圹圹圹圮苒圹圻 鄢
驰 捋圹圹圹圻? 鄢
驰 鄢
嘲????勰哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪嫩 ???郯?
嘲????? Runaway (2001) ????郯?
嘲????勰哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪嫩 ???郯?
仆桶?膊:北:圹屯屯屯屯屯屯屯哇? RELEASE INFO 佰屯屯屯屯屯屯屯哇?北:膊:鞍屯?
嘲? Supplier .........: Team WRD 郯?
嘲? DivX Release Date : 2009/06/28 郯?
嘲? DVD Retail Date ..: 2009/01/26 郯?
嘲? Theatre Date .....: 2001/06/28 郯?
嘲? Video Format .....: XviD 郯?
嘲? Video Bitrate ....: 997 Kbps 郯?
嘲? Resolution .......: 576 x 320 郯?
嘲? Aspect Ratio .....: 1.80 : 1 郯?
嘲? Language .........: Farsi 郯?
嘲? Audio Format .....: VBR MP3 郯?
嘲? Audio Bitrate ....: 137 Kbps 郯?
嘲? DVD Runtime ......: 85 Mins 郯?
嘲? Frame Rate .......: 25 FPS 郯?
嘲? Subtitle .........: Englis 郯?
嘲? Film Genre .......: Documentary 郯?
嘲? File Size ........: 49 x 15MB 郯?
仆桶?膊:北:圹屯屯屯屯屯屯屯哇? WEBSITE INFO 佰屯屯屯屯屯屯屯哇?北:膊:鞍屯?
嘲? ?IMDB Vote ......: 7.8/10 (13 votes) 郯?
嘲? ?IMDB URL .......: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0435342/ 郯?
嘲? 郯?
嘲? ?Movie Link ......: N/A 郯?
嘲? 郯?
仆桶?膊:北:圹屯屯屯屯屯屯屯哇? MOVIE INFO 佰屯屯屯屯屯屯屯哇?北:膊:鞍屯?
嘲坜哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪::::::::[ CAST ]:::::::哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪妮郯?
嘲坜 蒇俺
嘲坜 蒇俺
嘲坜 蒇俺
嘲坜 蒇俺
嘲坜 蒇俺
嘲坜 蒇俺
嘲坜 蒇俺
嘲坜 蒇俺
嘲坜 蒇俺
嘲坜 蒇俺
嘲坜哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪:::::[ PLOT SUMMARY ]:::::哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪蒇俺
嘲坜 蒇俺
嘲坜 In a society where women are treated as second-class citizens, the 蒇俺
嘲坜 concept of a wife wanting to leave her husband is almost 蒇俺
嘲坜 unthinkable. Yet the reality is that there are many wives living 蒇俺
嘲坜 in desperation in Iran, denied their basic human rights under 蒇俺
嘲坜 Islamic law, and stigmatised for wanting a divorce. DIVORCE IRANIAN 蒇俺
嘲坜 STYLE takes you where few Western cameras have gone before; inside 蒇俺
嘲坜 an Iranian divorce court. Staying with the theme of female 蒇俺
嘲坜 oppression, RUNAWAY follows the fate of five young girls who have 蒇俺
嘲坜 fled from abusive or neglectful families to the Iranian capital, 蒇俺
嘲坜 Teheran. While their methods of coping may be quite different, 蒇俺
嘲坜 they all share the same basic need to move on with their lives. 蒇俺
嘲坜 Filmmaker Kim Longinotto has created two eye-opening documentaries 蒇俺
嘲坜 that deal sensitively with their subject matter, never once erring 蒇俺
嘲坜 towards sensationalism. 蒇俺
嘲坜 蒇俺
仆桶?膊:北:圹屯屯屯屯屯屯屯哇? Ripper Notes 佰屯屯屯屯屯屯屯哇?北:膊:鞍屯?
嘲? 郯?
嘲? Enjoy it. 郯?
嘲? 郯?
嘲? 郯?
嘲? 郯?
嘲? 郯?
仆桶?膊:北:圹屯屯屯屯屯屯屯哇? Group News 佰屯屯屯屯屯屯屯哇?北:膊:鞍屯?
嘲? 郯?
嘲? We only offer resourses for communion and study and we won't bear 郯?
嘲? any legal responsibility for the resources. And we won't answer any 郯?
嘲? problems about the resources that we offered out. 郯?
嘲? 郯?
嘲? We are looking for the following: 郯?
嘲? 郯?
嘲? - PRE/Screener/Retails DVD Supplier 郯?
嘲? - 100MBit+ Affil Site 郯?
嘲? - 10MBit+ Dumps for exclusion use 郯?
嘲? 郯?
嘲? Contact us: 郯?
嘲? E-mail ....: WRD_GRP@hotmail.com 郯?
嘲? Website ...: N/A 郯?
嘲? IRC .......: Private 郯?
嘲? 郯?
仆桶?膊:北:圹屯屯屯屯屯屯屯哇? Greeting 佰屯屯屯屯屯屯屯哇?北:膊:鞍屯?
嘲? 郯?
嘲? Greetings to all of WRD's respects & hello's fly out. 郯?
嘲? 郯?
嘲? Greetings to all of groups that offer good quality releases. 郯?
嘲? 郯?
嘲? Greetings to all of friends that help us such as: 郯?
嘲? 郯?
嘲? ROR VoMiT 郯?
嘲? 郯?
嘲郯鞍鞍鞍鞍鞍鞍鞍鞍鞍鞍?Last Update at 2004.05.11 鞍鞍
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