California Miramar University (CMU), is a nationally accredited private proprietary institution of higher learning offering programs through both distance education and classroom instruction. The university is based in San Diego, California. The school was named Pacific Western University (California) (PWU CA) from 1977 to 2007.
Address: 600 N Sepulveda Blvd, Los Angeles, CA, 90049
Phone: (310) 471-0306
Type of college: 4-year private, for-profit
Degree types offered: Associate's, Bachelor's, Master's, Doctor's
Pacific Western University information provided by the National Center for Education Statistics and the Carnegie Foundation.
DEC/PWU Services has continued to serve as the official custodian of records for Pacific Western University – Louisiana and Pacific Western University – Hawaii since June 2006. Both Universities, although sharing common ownership, were separate Universities and separate legal entities.
Alumni may obtain official documents such as transcripts, duplicate diplomas and degree verification from DEC/PWU Services. Please click on the links at the top of the page to read about each of the services provided.
唐骏澄清说博士学位是从Pacific Western University拿的
至于地震捐款,唐骏拿出来一块劳力士手表拍卖,他竟然说是啤酒盖子送给他的手表。这个手表每年都有好多表现好的员工会拿到,即使最底层的销售或者工程师也能拿到,是Golden Circle Club(算是一种优秀员工吧)的纪念品,他倒真好意思拿出来吹牛。就唐骏最鼎盛时候负责的业务规模,在微软全球可能也占不到0.5%。一直到他都离开盛大了,还整天拿微软说事,说明这几年也真没啥出息。