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翰膊舶鞍? 鞍鞍膊舶鞍? 鞍鞍膊膊?
翰膊膊膊鞍鞍 鞍鞍? 鞍鞍膊膊膊埠
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罕 北? 北 ? 北 ? 北 北 北北北 ?
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翰膊膊膊膊舶鞍? 鞍鞍膊膊膊膊膊?
翰膊膊膊鞍鞍 鞍鞍? 鞍鞍膊膊膊埠
翰膊舶鞍? 鞍安膊鞍? 鞍鞍膊膊?
翰舶鞍 鞍鞍膊膊膊舶鞍? 鞍安埠
喊鞍 鞍鞍膊膊膊膊膊膊舶鞍? 鞍昂
喊 鞍鞍膊膊膊膊膊膊膊膊膊舶鞍? 昂
篏reg.Giraldo.Midlife.Voices.DVDRip.XviD-HAGGiS ?
Retail date : 2009-11-08
Release date : 2009-11-09
Genre : Stand Up
Airyear : 2010
Video : 640x352 25fps XviD ~950kbit
Audio : MP3 VBR ~128kbit, English
Length : ~66mins
Size : 700MB
This DVD is the first one hour special released by Greg
Giraldo. Greg is one of the hottest comics in the USA.
Socially provocative and yet broadly funny, Greg has
become one of the most versatile and highly entertaining
comics working today. Greg is one of the premiere comics
consistently featured on Comedy central and has become one
of the faces of the network. Along with appearing on Last
Laugh on numerous occassions and hosting Friday Night Stand
Up for the network he is most known for being the top roaster
on the Comedy Central Roasts.
Lookin fae: 100mbit+ eu affils, uk [ph]dtv cappers, retail/preretail dvd suppliers
Shout oot's go tae: - yer ma
喊 鞍鞍膊膊膊膊膊膊膊膊膊膊舶鞍? 昂
喊鞍 鞍鞍膊膊膊膊膊膊膊舶鞍? 鞍昂
翰舶鞍 鞍鞍膊膊膊膊舶鞍? 鞍安埠
翰膊舶鞍? 鞍鞍安鞍鞍? 鞍鞍膊膊?
翰膊膊膊鞍鞍 鞍? 鞍鞍膊膊膊埠
翰膊膊膊膊舶鞍? 鞍鞍膊膊膊膊膊?
翰膊膊膊膊膊膊鞍? 鞍安膊膊膊膊膊膊?
翰膊膊膊膊舶鞍? 鞍鞍膊膊膊膊膊?
翰膊膊膊鞍鞍 鞍? 鞍鞍膊膊膊埠
翰膊舶鞍? 鞍鞍舶鞍? 鞍鞍膊膊?
翰舶鞍 鞍鞍膊膊膊舶鞍? 鞍安埠
喊鞍 鞍鞍膊膊膊膊膊膊舶鞍? 鞍昂
喊 鞍鞍膊膊膊膊膊膊膊膊膊舶鞍? 昂
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