? 懿圹圹圹圹圹圹圹膊苘苘苘?
? 槽圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹鄄苘苘馨
懿? ? 槽圹圹圹圹圹圹策哕圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹鄄苘苘?茌 ?
? ? 佰圹圹圹圹圹鄄甙懿圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹鄄哌败膊懿?
? 臂圹圹圹圹圹?懿圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹鄄哌弑苘槽圹圹鄄曹唼
槽 槽圹圹圹鄄 膊圹圹圹圹圹圹策哌哕懿圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹哌哕
懿? 懿鄄 圹圹圹圹?北槽圹圹圹策哌苘槽圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹策哌哌膊?
? 弑 槽圹圹圹 氨脖膊哌哕苘苒圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹策哌? ?
? 槽圹圹圯 苘苘膊膊圹圹圹圹圹圹圹鄄策哌 苘鼙
槽圹圹圯辈圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹膊哌? 败苘苘槽圹圹膊
? 槽圹圹圯臂圹圹圹圹圹圹圹膊哌鞍苘苘懿圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹膊
懿? ?捋圹圹?哌败苘槽圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹?
卟圹曹 ?捋圹圹? 辈圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹郯
薏咣? ?捋圹圹? 槽圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹脖
? ?捋圹圹?捋圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹鄄辈槽圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹?
? 捋圹圹?圹鄄策哌 哌卟圹圹脖辈圹圹圹策哌哌哌卟圹脖
?捋圹圹坜策? 卟圹膊鄄哌鞍 卟圮?
? ? 圹圹鄄 鼙 鄄脖? 捋?
圹圹鄄 辈? 薏槽脖 策
圹圹鄄 辈? 脖槽膊? ?
圹圹鄄 膊圯 懿辈圹鄄? ?
槽圹鄄 槽鄄苘馨 败苘苘槽脖北圹圹鄄曹苘鞍? 苘槽鄄
? 圹圹鄄 捋圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹鄄膊边 咣鄄槽圹臂圹槽圹圹圹圯
? ? 圹圹鄄 圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹膊北 ? 槽郾槽脖圹圹圹圹圹圹?
捋? 圹圹鄄 槽圹圹圹圹圹圹圻弑北卑 ? 槽 辈 哌槽圹鄄圹圹?
圹鄄 槽圹鄄 膊圹圹鄄哌哌 避懿圹膊 薏? 臂郾辈鄄苘北膊槽鄄膊
懿圹圹圹? 槽圹鄄 薏圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹草 圹曹北槽脖圹圹圹圮鼙膊脖?
卟圹圹圹? 圹圹鄄 捋圹圹圹鄄哌哌槽圹圹圹圹圹圹槽圹鄄圹哌哌槽圹圹膊?
?捋鄄咣圯 圹圹鄄 策哌? 斑槽圹圹圹鄄圹圹圹膊? 斑哌?
鄄 卟 圹圹鄄 ? 辈鄄鄄圹圹圹圹圹圹鄄? ?
? 圹圹鄄 asphyx 薨辈圹圹槽圹圹槽圹圹圹鄄??
槽圹鄄 臂膊鄄圹槽圹鄄槽鄄圹圹膊? ?
? 槽圹鄄 哌卟鄄边哌甙辈脖槽策哌? 卟?
? 槽圹鄄 氨 苘 圹 ? 苘 懿 ?
圹圹郾 ?捋圯捋圯 佰圹 圹?鄄? ?
槽圹郾 捋草 膊?佰策 哌 懿?
槽圹郾 卟圹曹
懿 槽圹郾 薏咣?
捋曹 圹圹郾
苒圹圹舶 槽圹郾 ? ?
卟圹圹? 槽圹脖 ? ? ?
圹策膊 槽圹脖 槽?
?圻 甙 槽圹舶 槽圹 ?
? 槽圹郯 咣圹圹鄄?
? 败懿舶 槽圹舶 苘曹? 佰圹圹鄄?
? 哌槽圹?辈圹舶 槽圹策? 捋圻槽圯 ?
?懿圮槽圹圹辈圹?槽圹曹懿圹唼 策 槽
咣圹鄄圹圹鄄圹圹圹圹圹圹鄄圹曹 ?
鼙 薏圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圻 ?
咣圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹? ?
斑哌膊圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹卟? ?
? 懿哌槽圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹策?
? ?咣圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹 ?
? ?槽鄄槽圹圹圹圹圹鄄圹圹策草
策 槽圹槽鄄槽圹鄄辈圹圹?
? ?? ? ? 薏圯卟 ? ?
? ? ? 苘圹曹?
? 圹圹?
? 策 咣
苘 苘 苒? 苘
? 圹曹?槽圹圹圻 圹曹? 苘 懿鄄 圹曹
? 圹圹圹圹圹圹鄄 圹圹圹? 咣圹圹 懿圹圹? 圹圹圹
? 佰圹圹策 圹圹郾 佰圹圹策 槽圹? 槽圹圹圹? 佰圹圹圹?
佰圹圹? 槽圹圹 佰圹圹? 圹圹?苒圹圹圹圹鄄?圹圹鄄圹圹?
圹圹圻 捋圹圹 圹圹圻 圹圻 苒圹鄄圹圹?咣圮斑槽? 咣圹曹
圹圹圯 圹圹圯 圹圹圯 圹圹 哌膊圹圹圹鄄苒圹策 ? 咣圹鄄苘?
捋圹鄄 捋圹圹 捋圹鄄 圹圹策 槽圹圹圹圹圮 咣圹圹圹?
圹圹圯 哌膊蒇圹圹? 槽圹? 苒圹圹圹圹圹圹? 苘槽圹膊哌
佰圹圹圮苘苘 圹圹郯 槽圹圯 苒圹圻边圹圹圹圹圹? 苘圹圹策哌
捋圹圹鄄策哌 ? 圹圹郯 策哌哌 哌膊圹圮圹圹圹鄄圹圹?策哌 苘?
佰圹圹? 卑 圹圹圯 鞍苘圹策? 苒圹圹圹圹弑咣? 咣鄄苘? 苘槽圹?
槽圹圹 ? 槽圹圹 圹圹圹荥 苒圹弑咣圹圹圮圹圹? 斑槽圹鄄苘捋圹圹圮
圹圹鄄 圹圹鄄 卟圹圹圮?哌膊圹苒圹圹圹圹圹圹? 卟圹圹圹圹圹鄄?
圹圹圹苘 ? 圹圹圹苘咣圹策哌 避苘苘? 避? 卟圹圹圹鄄?
卟圹圹策? ? 卟圹圹策哌 苘圹圮苒鄄?辈圹鄄? 哌槽圹策? 哌哌?
曹 咣甙 懿曹 咣甙 哌槽圹策? 槽圹槽? 甙 ?
咣圮 败鄄哌槽? 哌 苘 败懿?
卟曹苘懿策 咣馨 苘膊? 苘? 苘圹苘? 懿策咣膊槽策?
哌策 咣圹策?哌曹? 苘鄄哌圹圹圹圹策?哌膊圹哌 ?
? ? 弑膊圻? 弑 ?
? ?
败苘圹曹苘? 败苘槽圮苘?
佰策? 斑咣圮? 败圹哌? 斑槽?
斑 苘苘懿哌? 斑卟苘苘? 甙
败苘苘懿策哌? 苘苘圹? 懿 懿咣? 苒卟? 曹 佰圮苘? 斑哌膊苘苘苘?
圹鄄哌? 败苘苒鄄策咣? 苓咣圮 ?薏蒉草 ?苒圻哕 槽哌膊圹苘苘? 哌卟圹?
哌圹苘 咣圹哌 圹?氨?捋圯 边? 哌?捋圯 弑?捋? 哌圹圻 苘圹哌
? 哌鄄苘卟圮? 哌槽馨 苒策 卟圮 败鄄哌 败鄄哕懿圻? ?
膊 ? 哌圹策? 哌哌 哌哌 哌槽圻? ?膊
槽 ? ?鄄
槽 澳+ Release Notes +哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪?鄄
圹 ? ?圹
圹 ? + Title????[ Tales from Muppetland: The Frog Prince (TV) ?圹
圹 ? ?圹
圹 ? + Release Date鶾 2010-12-05 + Source??鶾 Laserdisc ?圹
圹 ? + Retail Date?[ 1983-??-?? + iMDB???鶾 7.9/10 (174) ?圹
圹 ? + Runtime???[ 51 mins + Size???鶾 351MB / 25x15MB ?圹
圹 ? + Genre????[ Comedy/Family ?圹
圹 ? /Musical ?圹
圹 ? ?圹
圹 ? http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0068613/ ?圹
圹 ? ?圹
圹 ?+ Laserdisc Info + -哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪陌 圹
圹 ? ?圹
圹 ? + Audio????[ Analog Mono + Format???鶾 NTSC ?圹
圹 ? + Aspect鶵atio鶾 1.33:1 + CLV?????[ SIDE A ?圹
圹 ? + CAV?????[ ?圹
圹 ? ?圹
圹 澳+ Encoding Info +-哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪陌 圹
圹 ? ?圹
圹 ? + Audio????[ 79kb/s VBR Mono -V4 ?圹
圹 ? + Video????[ 528 x 400 @ 875kb/s 29.97fps ?圹
圹 ? ?圹
卟? 败苘圹曹苘? 败苘槽圮苘? 薏?
唼 佰策? 斑咣圮? 败圹哌? 斑槽??
斑 苘苘懿哌? 斑卟苘苘? 甙
败苘苘懿策哌? 苘苘圹? 懿 懿咣? 苒卟? 曹 佰圮苘? 斑哌膊苘苘苘?
圹鄄哌? 败苘苒鄄策咣? 苓咣圮 ?薏蒉草 ?苒圻哕 槽哌膊圹苘苘? 哌卟圹?
哌圹苘 咣圹哌 圹?氨?捋圯 边? 哌?捋圯 弑?捋? 哌圹圻 苘圹哌
? 哌鄄苘卟圮? 哌槽馨 苒策 卟圮 败鄄哌 败鄄哕懿圻? ?
膊 ? 哌圹策? 哌哌 哌哌 哌槽圻? ?膊
槽 ? PLOT ?鄄
槽 ? ?鄄
圹 ? ?圹
圹 ? It isn't easy to convince a beautiful Princess you're ?圹
圹 ? really the noble prince who can rescue her kingdom. ?圹
圹 ? Especially when you're only six inches tall and have ?圹
圹 ? green flippers. The irrepressible Muppets take on one ?圹
圹 ? of the world's favorite fairy tales in this tuneful and ?圹
圹 ? hilarious story, featuring Kermit's own nephew Robin, ?圹
圹 ? an awful witch, and an ogre named Sweetums. ?圹
圹 ? ?圹
圹 ? ?圹
卟? 败苘圹曹苘? 败苘槽圮苘? 薏?
唼 佰策? 斑咣圮? 败圹哌? 斑槽??
斑 苘苘懿哌? 斑卟苘苘? 甙
败苘苘懿策哌? 苘苘圹? 懿 懿咣? 苒卟? 曹 佰圮苘? 斑哌膊苘苘苘?
圹鄄哌? 败苘苒鄄策咣? 苓咣圮 ?薏蒉草 ?苒圻哕 槽哌膊圹苘苘? 哌卟圹?
哌圹苘 咣圹哌 圹?氨?捋圯 边? 哌?捋圯 弑?捋? 哌圹圻 苘圹哌
? 哌鄄苘卟圮? 哌槽馨 苒策 卟圮 败鄄哌 败鄄哕懿圻? ?
膊 ? 哌圹策? 哌哌 哌哌 哌槽圻? ?膊
槽 ? RIP NOTES ?鄄
槽 ? ?鄄
圹 ? ?圹
圹 ? The short-lived Tales from Muppetland series continued ?圹
圹 ? Henson's collaboration with Canadian Broadcasting Corp., ?圹
圹 ? which would later result in Fraggle Rock and several ?圹
圹 ? more productions. This was also Richard Hunt's first ?圹
圹 ? major role, Jerry Juhl having handed over duties of the ?圹
圹 ? evil witch Taminella Grinderfall, which he puppeteered ?圹
圹 ? in Tales of the Tinkerdee, but keeping the voice part. ?圹
圹 ? Richard would become another key Muppet performer, ?圹
圹 ? performing Beaker, Statler, Janice and Sweetums on The ?圹
圹 ? Muppet Show, and Junior Gorg and Gunge on Fraggle Rock, ?圹
圹 ? among many others. ?圹
圹 ? ?圹
圹 ? CRNVCD released this Laserdisc 6 years ago, but there ?圹
圹 ? were a number of issues with it. Its Mono sound had been ?圹
圹 ? encoded as Stereo, and frankly it didn't look very good. ?圹
圹 ? ?圹
圹 ? Enjoy! ?圹
卟? 败苘圹曹苘? 败苘槽圮苘? 薏?
唼 佰策? 斑咣圮? 败圹哌? 斑槽??
斑 苘苘懿哌? 斑卟苘苘? 甙
败苘苘懿策哌? 苘苘圹? 懿 懿咣? 苒卟? 曹 佰圮苘? 斑哌膊苘苘苘?
圹鄄哌? 败苘苒鄄策咣? 苓咣圮 ?薏蒉草 ?苒圻哕 槽哌膊圹苘苘? 哌卟圹?
哌圹苘 咣圹哌 圹?氨?捋圯 边? 哌?捋圯 弑?捋? 哌圹圻 苘圹倪
? 哌鄄苘卟圮? 哌槽馨 苒策 卟圮 败鄄哌 败鄄哕懿圻? ?
膊 ? 哌圹策? 哌哌 哌哌 哌槽圻? ?膊
槽 ? ?鄄
槽 ? ~HO HO HO~ ?鄄
圹 ? ? ?圹
圹 ? 苘圹曹? ?圹
圹 ? 圹圹? For the month of December we've decided to ?圹
圹 ? 策 咣 do something special. The FLAiR 2010 advent ?圹
圹 ? 茌 calendar will be celebrating the life and ?圹
圹 ? 苒? career of Jim Henson, from humble beginnings ?圹
圹 ? 懿鄄 until his untimely death 20 years ago. ?圹
圹 ? 懿圹圹? ?圹
圹 ? 槽圹圹圹? Every day until Christmas we will be bringing ?圹
圹 ? 苒圹圹圹圹鄄? you new titles from the archives, including ?圹
圹 ?苒圹鄄圹圹?咣圮 specials, interviews, documentaries, clips ?圹
圹 斑卟槽圹圹圹曹圹鄄? and behind the scenes footage, from every ?圹
圹 ? 槽圹圹圹圹圮 type of source available to us. Our goal ?圹
圹 ? 苒圹圹圹圹圹圹? is to provide real insight into the vast ?圹
圹 败圹圹弑咣圹圹圹圹圮 output of one of the greatest story- ?圹
圹 哌膊圹圮圹圹圹鄄圹圹? tellers of the 20th century, and the ?圹
圹 ? 苒圹圹圹圹弑咣? many talented performers and enablers ?圹
圹 ?苒圹弑咣圹圹圮圹圹? that allowed true Muppet magic to grow. ?圹
圹 斑卟槽圮圹圹圹圹圹圹鄄 ?圹
圹 ? 避苘苘? Sit back and join us as we go looking ?圹
圹 ? 辈圹鄄? for the rainbow connection, and remember ?圹
圹 ? 槽圹槽? to check back daily. We'll be listing them ?圹
圹 ? here as we go! ?圹
圹 ? ?圹
圹 ? ?圯
圹 ? 苘槽圮苘? 薏
圹 ? 哪哪? FLAiR's Christmas Countdown 2010 哪哪哪 ? 斑曹鼙哌
圹 ?
圹 ?
圹 ? 01. Tales.Of.The.Tinkerdee.1968.READNFO.XviD-FLAiR
圹 ?
圹 ? 02. The.Muppets.On.Puppets.1968.TV.DVDRip.XviD-FLAiR
圹 ?
圹 ? 03. Hey.Cinderella.1969.TV.LASERDISC.XviD-FLAiR
圹 ?
圹 ? 04. The.Great.Santa.Claus.Switch.1970.TV.VHSRip.XviD-FLAiR
圹 ?
圹 ? 05. Tales.From.Muppetland.The.Frog.Prince.1971.TV.PROPER.LASERDISC.XviD-FLAiR
圹 ?
圹 ?
圹 ? ?
圹 ? 苘槽圮
卟? 败苘圹曹苘? Happy Henson Days! 败苘槽圮苘? 捋圹?
唼 佰策? 斑咣圮? 败圹哌? 斑槽?圻 ?
斑 苘苘懿哌? 斑卟苘苘? 甙
败苘苘懿策哌? 苘苘圹? 懿 懿咣? 苒卟? 曹 佰圮苘? 斑哌膊苘苘苘?
圹鄄哌? 败苘苒鄄策咣? 苓咣圮 ?薏蒉草 ?苒圻哕 槽哌膊圹苘苘? 哌卟圹?
哌圹苘 咣圹哌 圹?氨?捋圯 边? 哌?捋圯 弑?捋? 哌圹圻 苘圹哌
? 哌鄄苘卟圮? 哌槽馨 苒策 卟圮 败鄄哌 败鄄哕懿圻? ?
膊 ? 哌圹策? 哌哌 哌哌 哌槽圻? ?膊
槽 ? GREETS ?鄄
槽 ? ?鄄
圹 ? ?圹
圹 ? ?圹
圹 ? ?圹
圹 ? HUMANiSM KYR TheWretched VoMiT xV SAPHiRE ?圹
圹 ? ?圹
圹 ? ?圹
圹 ? 哪哪哪哪? Gone But Not Forgotten 哪哪哪哪 ?圹
圹 ? ?圹
圹 ? ?圹
圹 ? SiCK Cheetah-TV CuNT TCF SChiZO ?圹
圹 ? ?圹
捋 ? ?圯
安? 败苘圹曹苘? 败苘槽圮苘? 薏
卟苘鄄甙 斑咣圮? 败圹哌? 斑曹鼙哌
斑 苘苘懿哌? 斑卟苘苘? 甙
败苘苘懿策哌? 苘苘圹? 懿 懿咣? 苒卟? 曹 佰圮苘? 斑哌膊苘苘苘?
圹策哌 败苘苒鄄策咣? 苓咣圮 ?薏蒉草 ?苒圻哕 槽哌膊圹苘苘? 哌卟圹?
哌圹苘 咣圹哌 圹?氨?捋圯 边? 哌?捋圯 弑?捋? 哌圹圻 苘圹哌
? 哌鄄苘卟圮? 哌槽馨 苒策 卟圮 败鄄哌 败鄄哕懿圻? ?
哌圹策? 哌哌 nFO: asphyx 哌哌 哌槽圻
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