Genre: Drama
1984, 1991, 1998, 2007?Alice and Mattia, two exceptional personalities but inadequate, synthesis of two lives in pain, two special people who travel on the same track, but are two worlds imploded, unable to open up to the world.
They are parallel but distant; their hearts are obsessively in love, but will never meet. One fully understands the feelings of the other, but is never able to express them out loud, in short, they are two prime numbers.
Prime numbers are divisible only by 1 and themselves?
Codec: XVID
Bitrate: 1182
Resolution: 640x272
Audio: AC3@5.1, Dolby Digital, cbr 448
Audio: Italian
Len: 120mins
Fps: 23.976
Subs: ENG (full)
Disc: 2
The Solitude of Prime Numbers (La Solitudine dei Numeri Primi) is Saverio Costanzo抯 adaptation of the international bestseller of the same name by literary Wunderkind Paolo Giordano.
Movie traces 24 years in the lives of a pair of upper middle-class Italian schoolmates who bond over similarly troubled childhoods, and will compete for Golden Lion, this year, at 67th Venice Film Festival.
Check out the Venice Film Festival 2010 list of In Competition movies
Nukers Notes:
Our previous releases named "Deadly.Crossing.2011.STV.DVDRip.XviD-iLG" was nuken for missing subs for non-english parts. We produced some proofs thinking was enough but re nuked for:
we suggest you to do more attention lol that dvd is ONLY available and scheduled for UK market (NATIVE langauage) and is NOT including subtitles... (as for our proofs) so what you want more??? check the ridiculuos relaseas for example by xSCR group (all and everytime STOLEN from p2p like his latest recent release Megamind stolend from a p2p release out two days before) if you have all that free time....
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